

Responses from cosmin

Accuphase E550 or E560?
Yes, it was a typo mistake - I mean to write a blend of E-550 and E-450, indeed.I don't use guides and reviews anymore when I want to evaluate and compare an audio equipment. I prefer to use only my subjective ears ! :)I use a pair of JMLab Electr... 
Accuphase E550 or E560?
nvp, I listen both Accuphase E-550 and E-560 on the same setups - practically only change amps in different setups.What I already told was the general oppinion of about 7 folks who assisted to the comparation.But, of course, E-550 was my first lov... 
Accuphase E550 or E560?
I listen both amps and I think the new E-560 it's better than E-550. It is practically a different new amp. It sound sweet as a high-end class A tube sound and, very amazing, it is very fast like a high-end class B amplifier. And a huge reserve of... 
After I tested a lot of others, I think Accuphase devices are one of the best in the world. They are, in terms of quality, stellar sonic performances and reliability, even underpriced - compared to other competitors - who claims double or triple t...