
Responses from dawnpig

Replacing Sovtek 6922 for NOS
Siemens 6922 - yes ben, you could say thin in the midband, like swapping your speaker drivers from paper+silk to ceramic+titanium. However they sound clear and strident and their direct attribute draws you deep into the music, holding the tonal nu... 
Replacing Sovtek 6922 for NOS
A twist of fate meant that my plans to experiment with the JJ Tesla E88CC where put on hold and instead I procured a pair of Brimar CV2492 not CV2496 as I am wont of calling them. There are quite a few valves bearing this name, OEM issues withstan... 
Replacing Sovtek 6922 for NOS
I've just decided to mod my Pathos Logos, and lo and behold, here is all the advise I could hope for, well from the remainder of my research the Telefunken e188cc seems to score the most merits, but for me now I've just got my hands on some JJ Tes...