
Responses from dbong

which is better? Stereo Amp or Monoblocks?
Another data point from experience to share.Having run a few integrated, stereo, and mono amps over the years, my best experience was with tube mono amps (Primaluna PL7), by a large margin. However, those tube amps were superior to anything else I... 
Revel Proforma 206 w/Primaluna HP integrated?
I owned PL gear with Revel M106 which have similar impedance curves to the 206, and have demoed 206s with dialogue premium integrated and seperates. All are great combinations. The Revels impedance curve stays above 4 ohms and doesn't have any nas... 
stereo preamp $2-5K suggestions
I have and highly recommend the primaluna dialogue premium pre. It just gets out of the way and really smooths out digital. Good imaging and usefully low gain to so you dont have to live in the low range of the volume pot. Works great with solid s... 
"Warm Sounding" Solid State Amplifiers
I was pleasantly surprised by an Audia Flight FL3 integrated. Held up nicely comparing back to back with modern tube gear at the local store. Can be found heavily discounted on demo at a few stores. Might be worth a listen and a google. 
Primaluna - Rolling pre tubes question...
I've had great luck with ciftes in my prologue 3. The ciftes seemed to extend or clean up the top a bit and added what my wife and I could only describe as 'velvet' to the sound. Mind the break in time though, I have had the same experience noted ... 
Whatever happened to Straight Wire?
Definitely alive and well, producing great products and giving customer service and support at a level that surprised me. They are very interested in helping you get the best performance from a system, to a level far beyond just worrying about the... 
Kevin gets the
Kevin rocks and so do my Primaluna monoblocks and NOS tubes. Straight up, no reservations. Besides being one of the few dealers that really understands tube electronics, he has exceeded my expectations with every purchase. He gives me sage advice ...