
Responses from dcstep

How is the Oppo 983H as a 2ch Music Transport?
Just for fun, I tried mine with my Playback Designs and it was excellent. I keep it around as a backup trasnport. 
In search of the right SS integrated amp
I've got a CJ CA200, which is very good, but not in the league with the Rowland C500, the Boulder stereo and the GamuT mono-blocks that I heard.It's much less expensive and a very good value. It's got a slightly "golden" sound, it's not quite as d... 
oppo bdp 83 vs pioneer elite dv 58av for listening
Interesting question. I haven't ordered the bdp83 yet, but had the older Oppos and I've got a modded DV58AV. They're really close for DVD-A and SACD, but the Pioneer is far superior for RBCD. If you're only going to use them for Hi-Rez, then I'd s... 
In search of the right SS integrated amp
Guido said:"the impressions Dave reported above seemed to be shared by all and sundry."Particularly the "sundry." Notice that G is keeping his mouth shut, ever the cautious reviewer. I have no "standards" to live up to, so I say what I heard.Dave 
Records are getting noisy
When you do the Zerostat, can you ever see static going out of the LP? The fibers on my micro-fiber cloth stand up until I hit the record (and cloth) with the Zerostat and then I see them relax. When you do the final blast with the ZS, make sure n... 
In search of the right SS integrated amp
The Boulder doesn't hold up in comparison to the Rowland Continuum 500, driving the same speakers. At RMAF, several of us heard the 2060 driving Vienna Acoustic Die Muzik speakers, pushed by a Boulder preamp and Boulder CDP. The Boulder had bloate... 
Any tweaks recommded for under cd player?
Good isolation, a top notch power cord and good balanced (if provided for) are keys to smooth high end for any CDP. I use the HRS M3 isolation base and Analysis Plus cords and cables.Playing around with the feet can help, but it's totally dependen... 
Records are getting noisy
The primary further advice I have is to consider the anti-static treatment that you use at playbck. The AQ brush does add a static charge that you need to release with something like Zerostat.Be careful with the GruvGlide and use it only very ligh... 
Detailed sound? Real?
"Do we hear in stereo or Mono?"I think that the answer is, "it depends". Generally, at an acoustic concert you'll hear the performers in something close to mono, with very little left/right distinction. A brass quintet, for instance, will only sou... 
New Rowland Criterion 2-chassis battery pre
Sorry Kawika, but it'll be late November most likely. I was out of town until yesterday and I've got tons of catching up to do at work, with a few "events" coming up in the next few weeks.Dave 
Detailed sound? Real?
Tzh21y, great observation and question.A great piano, in a great room, with the lid open and turned in the right direction will not sound muffled. OTOH, many piano recordings actually place the mics inside the lid!!! My favorite recordins place th... 
New Rowland Criterion 2-chassis battery pre
Isn't this glorious. We actually have an incredibly wide ranging list of contenders for top pre-amp and top amp honors. Unfortunately we seldom get to hear them switched in and out of the same system. Due to a stroke of luck, I got to hear the Row... 
What were the best and worst rooms at RMAF 2009?
Last year, Guido and I watched Sumiko and Soundings try to set up their De Muzik Vienna Acoustic speakers in a small room. It was painstaking, backbreaking work, in the end dealing with fractions of inches. After all this work, tweaking continued ... 
What were the best and worst rooms at RMAF 2009?
The GamuT room was actually stunning after the speakers were reset. They had too much midbass and were reset on Sunday for better balance, clarity and inner detail.Dave 
New Rowland Criterion 2-chassis battery pre
David, I haven't heard the DarTZeel, but have heard the Criterion for quiet a few hours. By implication in listing the shortcomings of the DarTZeel (slight masking and warming coloration) you're describing the strength of the Criterion that I've h...