
Responses from direwolf336

How much uncompressed music in Ipod classic?
I have a iPod Classic 160. I have 380 albums stored on it as Apple LossLess files. I still have about 40 GB of free space. I'm hoping to get 500 albums stored on it. 
ARC DSI200 or Bryston 4bsst2 & ARC SP16L
There is a SoundStage review by John Crossett where he compares his LS-17 and 4BSST2 to the DSI200. He describes the DSi200 as more coherent and having a midrange richness, and a definition to the music that the ARC-Bryston couldn’t quite match. H... 
Good CD for testing bass response
"Ballad of the Runaway Horse" on the Rob Wasserman album Duets. Jennifer Warrens sings and Rob plays bass. 
Piece of Audio gear you regret selling
A pair of Chartwell LS3/5As. They were sweet. I sold them to get my first pair of Magnepans. 
How can I untag wrong album artwork in itunes?
Try this. . . Highlight all the songs in the album. Then go to Get Info and check the check box next to Artwork. Then Clear Downloaded Artwork and drag your new artwork on to the Add New Artwork box. It is not intuitive but it worked for me. 
Harbeth speaker stands
You may want to post your question on the Harbeth User Group. Many friendly Harbeth users there who are more than willing to share their experiences. http://www.harbeth.co.uk/usergroup/