

Responses from dtf

Why do digital cables sound different?
I was one of the original people to post on this topic, almost 3.5 years ago. My position, that any "properly constructed" digital cable should be indistinguishable from another was predictably met with scorn and ridicule. My ears and even my choi... 
Sacd / Dvda universal players
I based my audition of the DV-47Ai on an article in the British press. I have a daughter who just spend a semester there and I have had her send me their audio magazines. I find that their reviewing is much more like ours was 20 years ago. They do... 
Sacd / Dvda universal players
I thought about the DV-50 as well, but after several calls to TEAC I can't get a straight answer about future service and support. One time they say Esoteric is being reintroduced to the US market, then whien I ask who the dealers will be they cal... 
Sacd / Dvda universal players
I am also trying to figure out what to do about a universal player. I own an XA777ES, which gives me multi channel SACD but no DVD A or video. I have thought about a DVD player with the DVD A feature, but to get a true audiophile unit is another $... 
How much money do you want to waste?
Hang in there Craig. Good cables are important, but in spite of the arrogance of the other responders, there is no evidence that dollars spent equates to better sound. The only statement made by megabuck cables like "The Statement" is that someone... 
How come a power cable changes the sound?
The answer is we human beings have vivid imaginations and believe what we want to. You hit the nail on the head, the quality of the Romex wire int the wall can't be improved between the socket and the first component by an overpriced piece of wire... 
Why do digital cables sound different?
I think that the placebo effect can be blamed for most of it. Analog cables can be very effected by the impedence match with the components they are connect to, and construction approach. Any properly functioning digital cable would be indistingui... 
Most reliable equipment manufacturers
I have owned many pieces of equipment by many manufacturers and I have found that Mark Levinson equipment is by far the most robust and reliable equipment I have owned. 
Mark Levinson = Car Stereo? Yes.
The reason you may think the Levinson is a Harmon Kardon is because ML is owned by Harmon International. They also own Harmon Kardon, Proceed, Citation, and Revel. 
Melos Maestro erratic volume control?
I have the same unit and have noticed exactly the same issues with the volume control, not erratic, but very sensitive to small movements and a tad loose mechanically. I suspect that they may have all been this way. One concern I have is that I ha...