
Responses from dualmarantz

The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
$5,000 MC carts are an excellent argument for digital streaming! They’re difficult to buy, finicky to optimize, easily damaged, they degrade with use, AND they don’t just depreciate, they’re essentially perishable.I’m not saying bring back the "pe... 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
Cartridges, heck. Where I am, I can't even audition speakers in any meaningful way.  
The Absolute Sound vs Stereophile
I used to peruse and collect both, but I decided to stop reading audio magazines when a particular issue of one of them featured not one, not two, but THREE reviews of individual components that each retailed for $45,000 or more. I don’t disapprov... 
Where do I start-amp or speakers ?
Speakers first, then optimize the amp for the speakers. Makes no sense the other way around. 
Waiting on 802D3 to arrive -- Will I need a sub?
bdp24: "The bottom octave is a bitch to reproduce, and very, VERY few speakers are up to the task."I would amend that sentence: "The bottom octave is a bitch to reproduce, and very, very few ROOMS are up to the task." 
Is powerfull Amps only for low sensitivity speakes?
Pairing of speakers with amp is really the key to any system. It's not just efficiency and power, it's clarity at desired volumes, voicing, damping, etc. I've always been of the opinion that you choose, in order: room, desired listening volumes, t... 
Is powerfull Amps only for low sensitivity speakes?
My experience is that inefficient speakers just never quite sound right to me, regardless of how much power the amp supposedly has. They always sound somewhat sluggish, effortful, leached-out, and, my horror-words in the audiophilic realm: "neutra... 
20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017
Re "I also read the thread briefly but I can`t recall anyone who's in 'all amps sounds the same' school?"Very first comment. 
20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017
Someone may have mentioned this; I didn't read all 59 responses. But amps AGE. As Nelson Pass hilariously put it:"In fifteen years, the electrolytic power-supply capacitors will get old. Depending on usage, you will begin to have semiconductor and... 
Opening a can of worms
All my experience is out of date--I sold audio in the ’90s and knew a fair amount about it then. Not any more. The only cables that I ever heard that sounded "better" than average were AudioQuest Lapis (I think that was it--pure silver interconnec... 
So how many use MM cartridge and intend to keep it that way ?
I'm weird, I use old Pickering and Stanton cartridge bodies (I have quite a stockpile) with new JICO Shibata stylii in 'em. Sounds right to me with my old jazz records. I've owned several MCs and other MMS. 
Wilsons are the best speakers in the world
Count me out. In the 90s I did extensive listening sessions with the then-top-of-the-line Wilsons powered by Krell Audio Standard amps ($25k monoblocs) each on its own 20-amp dedicated circuit. (I worked at a dealer and would listen after hours.) ... 
What's the most overrated or overpriced piece of equipment you own, have owned or come by?
Unlike a lot of you I have wasted a great deal of money on very poor audio equipment over the years. The worst was an absolutely divine-sounding tube amp by a company called "Melos" that (in my opinion) richly, richly deserves to be where it is to...