
Responses from el34eh

ProAc Ref 8 vs. 8 Signature vs 1S vs 1SC
Hi Beheme,No the thanks goes to you. I've also noticed your Audio Physic Yara Monitors FS. As I own a pair of their Step SLEs as an alternative sound to the Tablettes I might add that I love them both equally - Yet I know full well that each offer... 
ProAc Ref 8 vs. 8 Signature vs 1S vs 1SC
Hi again Beheme,Sorry about that! It was meant to be my method of showing only just how much I seriously care about the Tablettes since 1982. It's just a prolonged version to your post, I just happen to be one of those long - winded people whom ha... 
ProAc Ref 8 vs. 8 Signature vs 1S vs 1SC
Hi again Emil, [ Something else of possible interest? My Journey into Audio. - This is something which I've shared with Fellow Music Lovers @ Echoloft.com ]That's some journey which you've been on I must say. I came into this hobby by introduction... 
ProAc Ref 8 vs. 8 Signature vs 1S vs 1SC
Hi Fellow ProAc Tablette Lovers, Hi Beheme - I know that this is a little off the mark. But this is something which I asked of other ProAc Tablette Owners @ Audioasylum. I hope that it helps?.I'm forced to come to all of you in dire need of assist... 
Need recommendation for a dark sound interconnects
Hi Emil,Your choice for darker sounding Cables are those made by either:AudioQuest - Soundstrings - MIT - Transparent Audio - Phy - HP - Q - Audio Tao - Living Voice Potato. And maybe to a lesser extreme almost anything from Monster Cable. As it s... 
Linn Sondek LP12 - Cartridge recommendation
Hi Sympaticonorm -`As someone whom has owned several different versions of this Turnatble with the first one in 1987 and the final version in 1996 before falling in love with either The Roksan Xerxes or Well Tempered Classic Turntables.I'd have ne... 
Cable/interconnect for Sonus and Musical Fidelity?
Hi Tghooper," Try to borrow some Harmonic Technology Truth - Link interconnects - along - with their Pro 11 + Speakercables.I've been using these since 2000 and have only of late began to obtain other interconnects as a means to alter the overall ... 
Review: Aesthetix Calypso Line Stage Tube preamp
Jadem6," Your review was very well written and very insightful. Thanks for an opportunity to view such well chosen words to express an attempt to assist other owners of this Pre - Amp. This is a great deed that you've done. As a means to help othe... 
a very good, compatible cartridge for Rega P3
~ Try to here your Turntable with a Roksan Corus Black.You should be able to get one from the nice kids @ redtrumpet.comI've used this combinationed back in 1993-96. before moving on to own several versions of Well Tempered Classics.~ But still ti... 
Best Bookshelf/Monitor in $2000 range??
Like Tombowlus~Being someone whom has owned & loved all of the various ProAc Tablettes. These have always been the ones which have never disappointed me. As this is from someone whom since 1982 has owned over 13 different pairs of Mini ~ Monit... 
B&W 705 or Sonus Faber Concerto / Concertino
Hi Gewe21," As someone whom has listened to B&W's since 1984. ~ these had a better sound then. ~ And their designs of late at least to my ears sound somewhat colored. On the other hand having listens to most of the Sonus Faber Speakers here in... 
Best Proac monitor
Hi Gunbei," It was around December 16th. 2002. I had a posted a wanted ad here for a pair of Tab. 50 Sigs in which I recieved several offers. One for the Bird's Eye Maple versions which i never much cared for. Yes I've been following your response... 
Best Proac monitor
Hi Rubherenow," I'm sorry for being the odd man out here. But I must agree with Gunbei. ~ Hi Gunbei. I recall trying to obtain the Tablettes from you several years ago. I just really wanted their ebony verion of said speaker more. Which I own the ... 
Best Quality Recording On Vynil
Hi Sputniks," I can only speak for myself on this one. I'm going to offer you a Record Label that has been consistent since my first one in 1970. This label is none other then [ ECM / JAPO ]Their recording have always had a sound which I've found ... 
What do tube and music have in comon?
I'm in total agreement with all the above statements. I've owned some decent SS in my day, but since 1996 tubes have been my means for total enjoyment. 95% of my listening is too jazz. I beleive that most of the better recording from the 50s - lat...