

Responses from famoej

What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(
I've been a member for many years and have sold and bought a decent amount of gear under this handle. That said and while I appreciate the polish that the publisher has made to the site, people and dealers who now see this as a new retail store ha... 
Micro Seiki Parts-Headshells in particular
Just jumped into a bl-51 restore project and will need a high compliance arm for my 103r. I will be putting up my systemdek llx with profile arm up for sale or trade to raise the funds or swap. It's a mint version, but I have need for only one mai... 
why dsd
they had a turntable for the car- search on the web- but only in hd- you just cant experience it unless it's in the newest hd visual version :-)loved this thread 
why dsd
good thread and I did not mean to stir up haters- I spend good money on SACD and just did not appreciate what I paid for. LOVE my records but I have had some my entire life and they just can't be played anymore.I know that there will be some techn... 
why dsd
Davt wins!! and i own the while album on vinyl and CS- plus mono box reissuesLMAO 
why dsd
dont be mean- I love it all- Have been into audio since I was 12 and I'm almost 50- My dad was an original audiophile and more home was music 24/7I have never owned a receiver, not even at 12. I troll AG and drool at all the great stuff. I just do... 
why dsd
I love all the responses. I sit there and try to listen to music. I have heard bad, good and great. I am drawn into all the hype just like everyone else who is into gear and music.BTW- I said I had SACD for several years- listened to the 20 discs ... 
What's the best Dac for the money
Your question is as subjective as peoples statements- your on a used audio site where people save a ton of bucks by buying well treated and broken in gear. Most times, we buy blind as we do not get the luxury of testing out product in our own audi... 
HT amp for music- please help
I'm thinking an Intrepid- my speakers are 4ohm so it should have plenty of power. 
HT amp for music- please help
currently using C2 although I might go to an mx136 
HT amp for music- please help
I like the build of ATI and know they are involved in the brands you mentioned. I have "read" that they can be a little firm on top, but that is as much to do with system makeup. I don't own an AVR and cant imagine ever buying one. I have had an E... 
HT amp for music- please help
I might be able to swing keeping one extra- at least I would reduce by one.Cant imagine why you cant make a good sound 5 channel that would rock for music though- 
New Mac Mini Outputs
thx all- my dac does not have usb- i am trying to cheap out on this one with a used mini. ill buy a better dac down the road but my experience, at least when i bought it from MSB years ago was +. the dacs in my old Ovation 8 and my mcintosh sounde... 
New Mac Mini Outputs
anyone have thoughts on the sound quality of toslink over usb. i am buying a used maci mini as a dedicated server. found an old msb link dac in my basements 24/96 pre usb of coarse but it does have toslink which I always was not the connection of ...