
Responses from gandlshevchuk

anyone audiophiles/audioholics in Buffalo NY
Not from Buffalo, But I worked at The Sound Concept in Rochester, NY and recently started my own shop . I know I have run across a few WNYAS members as some of you would come down to check thing out.Lance 
Where R U?????
Rochester, NY ....well just out side of ( Webster, NY ) 
Denman,I wonder if we have crossed paths? I know some of you guys from WNYAS used to come down to The Sound Concept in Rochester every once in a while. In time when I build more of a contact list I would like to host a Music night for fun....this ... 
Rochester, NY here or just out side of it Webster< NY to be exact.Lance 
Hello All,Checking in to see if the interest is still here for the post? I am a new startup Audio Shop in Rochester, NY .I would like to this more interest and connect with people who share this interest. You can check me out at www.forefront-audi...