
Responses from garfish

Why SACD,DVD-A are already DEAD
Joe; I too am in almost total agreement with your thread post. The one place I disagree is that SACD or DVD-A or DVD-V has something like 7 times the storage capacity of a redbook CD, and in the LONG, LONG term this gives it a significant advantag... 
Bi-Wire Speaker Cables for Vandersteen 3A sig.
I can recommend the Syn Res Signature #10 (re-placement for the Sig #2)-- either is excellent bi-wired with the 3As/sigs. They're excellent all copper wires and are in your price range. The only downside is they're a little on the stiff side. Chee... 
How important is "brand name"?
Stehno makes good points. I would just add that I think that "brand names" are VERY important to some audiophiles (you'll note I didn't say music overs), whereas uniqueness is very important to others and they don't worry about the manufacturers g... 
Do cables age or become too old at any point?
I'v had my big rig all copper speaker cables 6 years, and another pair 8 years, and as far as I know they sound as good (or better) as when well broken in. And I used a 25 year old length of 6 ga stranded copper as a mainline for a dedicated syste... 
Horrific Confession And Puzzling Questions
Cw; I can relate. Several different points here though: 1. CDs are incredibly tough rascals-- have you ever tried to break one in half with your bare hands? 2. I like CDs and take just as good care of them as vinyl lovers do their LPs. 3. I have n... 
In the last 20-30 years, what has changed most...
I agree with Albert. And would just add that digital has improved HUGELY since its introduction in the early 80s. Cheers. Craig 
Global Music Sales Fall- Solution go analog
What was the LP percentage of sales? Or dollars spent on LPs? 
What is a "shaded dog?"
Albert; great opening comment-- laughed my butt off. Thanks. Craig. 
What is the most decadent, most self indulgent--
Oz; enjoyed your post(s), and David happy house hunting--especially in finding one with a GREAT STEREO ROOM. Cheers too. Craig 
Digitizing LPs: General advice wanted
I was posting at the same time as Dopogue. I agree with his advice. I also considered the TASCAM pro machine-- the Marantz was $675. from BSW in Tacoma, WA. And he's right on about how tedious the recording process is when going from LP to CD. Che... 
Digitizing LPs: General advice wanted
Hi Captain and Scott; Yep I own and like the Marantz Pro CDR500, and consider that the easiest way to record LPs, but then I've never used a computer "burner".As far as I know, there is no recorder that records at 24/96, as there is no player that... 
MOST tubelike solid state amp
I have associated Classe' (before 201/301 etc. series), Plinius, and Pass with a tube-like mid-range, but HQ SS bass. I would also include the McCormack DNA2, and especially the up-graded versions in the tube-like mid-range group. I have a DNA2 Re... 
Wife stepping on speaker wire
.........rig the necessary bare wires, plugs, etc. and occasionally plug the speaker cables into a 110 outlet. She'll probably only step on them one more time.......... 
How long the most you have listened to music...
I routinely listen to music for 4-5 hours EVERY night, and have had 6-7 hour sessions-- of course that was with sweet, quiet, non-fatiguing digital;>). Cheers. Craig 
What is the most decadent, most self indulgent--
Yeah, Viggen nailed a big one for me too, ie the amount of time I spend here on the 'Gon, and the i-net in general. According to my wife, I SHOULD be mowing the %^$#%&** grass etc. Beers. Craig