
Responses from garfish

Stereophile looses Jonathan Scull
I'm with Trelja in that I really would like to see Stereophile succeed long term and return to what made it quite good. I too miss Dick Olsher-- bought my first good tube pre-amp 'cuz of him. Also TJN-- pretty straight laced, but also no nonsense ... 
Amp play a low volumes?
This has been an interesting thread-- thanks Jcd. I think I "re-learned" some things I had forgotten, re Sean and Twl. But that still doesn't explain why my (past Vand. 3As) sounded good at low Vol., but Vand. 5s don't.Sean may have hit it though,... 
The age old question of trusting your gut feeling
A few deals-- both buying and selling-- have caused my gut to churn, but with 75-80 "good" transactions on A'Gon and eBay, I've only had one that nearly got ugly. The transaction was completed, we were both somewhat disappointed, but we both respe... 
Weirdest Question asked when selling gear?
A pet peeve perhaps, and Sugar touched on it: "has it ever been serviced"? I personally think that when a component has been sent back to the manufacturer for some problem, they check it out thoroughly so it doesn't come back to "bite them in the ... 
Has anyone had trouble with stereophile magazine?
Stereophile is "morphing" into a high volume slick, and the days of personal and good service are a thing of the past IMO-- regrettably. Craig 
EMC 24/192 or Mark Levinson 39.
I can highly recommend the ML 39 also-- excellent build quality and very musical. Haven't heard the EMC, but my dealer is really high on them. Cheers. Craig 
Amp play a low volumes?
Hi Buckingham; FWIW, I used a big McCormack DNA-2DX Rev. A (600 wpc 4 OHM) with both the Vand. 3As as well as the Vand. 5s. The 3As sounded quite good at low volume, whereas the 5s don't. As noted above, as the 5s continue to breakin, they are sou... 
Personal speaker evolution
Hi Rc; yep, a little embarassing to admit owning the Bose 501s-- but good for the hunility I guess. Of course those Bose were supposed to fire toward the rear wall and reflect sound out into the listening area. But of course what it really did was... 
Budget 2,500-Separates or one-box?
Personally I too would go with about a $1000. transport and $1500. DAC (roughly). You'd need to allow $100-200. for a good digital cable. Good Luck. Craig. 
Other hobbies with these economics?
I agree with firearms as noted above. And especially if fired no more than moderately and well cared for. Some collectors just buy to collect and NEVER fire them, but I personally can't see doing that-- I want to know more about the firearm. Good ... 
Amp play a low volumes?
jcd; it's been my experience that it is not the amp that is the limiting factor in making music sound good at low volume, but rather it's the speakers. And I don't think speaker sensitivity has much to do with it either.For example, My Vandersteen... 
Best Used CD Player for 2,500 - 3,000
I can highly recommend the Levinson M39 CD player as excellent if your budget can stretch to about $3300.-3500. for a used one. Good Luck. Craig 
What am I doing wrong? Can't find right CD player.
I agree with Barrelchief on the CAL Audio CL-10 if you want a "one box" player, and Budrew when a CD changer is used only as a transport. I used a Sony CA9ES 5CD carosel player with an Adcom 600/700 DAC for several years and it was a very enjoyabl... 
Quality recordings that make you want to dance
Only average to good recordings, George Thorogood's "Anthology" or "Live in Atlanta" make me want to ROCK & ROLL like when I was 15-- needs lusty volume and good bass ;>) Cheers. Craig 
Can we use TUBE PREAMP with SS AMP ?
I also use a tube pre-amp with a SS amp and agree with above posts-- excellent combinations can be found.Re: Goone's question: I think a SF Line 2 would VERY likely be an excellent pre-amp for the Classe' amps. The Line 2 is quite neutral (not war...