
Responses from gelmhirst

What's your profession? Age?
Now 37, arbitration guy for online auction remarketer of wholesale vehicles, gear about 12k now... 
Video in for my LCD?
Narrod, yep, I ran the ICs from audio out from TV, to video in @ pre amp....I think maybe video in vs aux is a bad choice. Not sure. I will swap the ICs for another pair, see what happens, thx 
amp wont turn on?
Agree, and my fuses are intact that is good. Turns out James@Bryston figures the membrane power switch on the front panel may be the culprit..funny how I never considered something so simple. 
amp wont turn on?
Hmm, my SST has no fuse, I'm almost thinking the fuse in my fuse panel is not enough for the particular circuit my amp is on...although the 3BST seems to work fine.... 
amp wont turn on?
I bought the AZ pwr cbl used, the factory cbl is plugged directly into the wall...AND now it does not pwr up again, same scenerio.... 
amp wont turn on?
Update! For fun I plugged the amp into an outlet in another room...and presto, it stays on..The mystery however is when I use the factory power cable and the orig outlet works again?!I can only assume my upgraded pwr cbl has an issue of some kind. 
amp wont turn on?
thanks guys, I will give Bryston a call. I believe I have isolated it to the amp..... :( 
PMC Speakers:"Best Buy"or just another speaker?
I have owned PMC TB2s, FB1s, FB1+ conversions and currently use the AB1s. They are not for everyone. Take note of what your local shop is using up front, PMCs will deliver exactly what you feed them. And see if you can listen to them with tubes as... 
Hum from line conditioner?
My orig run of tv coax has been moved away from my 2 ch set up, however now my ST-2 antenna coax to my Magnum tuner runs behind my rack. AND there was a hum with a second cheap surge protector after all (I have 3 kicking about), a couple of days l... 
Hum from line conditioner?
FYI for those electrician friend/collegue came over. He has determined my issue is a ground loop problem and recommends a dedicated line/circuit to rectify issue. I'm glad it was not the PC or the amps. 
Hum from line conditioner?
Rwwear, thanks...that makes sense having read in the past about 'hums' would I check that, the acceptable specs, pass/fail etc? 
Blown tube
Amazing, thanks for the input. This is all valuable info for me. 
Blown tube
...self biasing, mmm. Blown fuse or?I did notice when amps arrived, the same socket/tube was not working, so....maybe socket? 
Audio Debt?
Couldn't agree with Gregadd more. I have not gone into debt but I have certainly taken some loses selling the odd component in order to upgrade to the next piece I can't seem to live without! 
Out of curiosity, where does everyone live?
Toronto Ontario, Canada