
Responses from gslone

Tubes for CJ EV-1 phono pre
Thanks again Mechans, I've been wanting to talk with Upscale Audio for some time. Thanks Drrsutliff, I will check out Vintage Tube Services, too. 
Tubes for CJ EV-1 phono pre
Thanks Mchd1. 
Tubes for CJ EV-1 phono pre
Thanks Mechans. The tubes that are in it are:two 12AX7'sone 5751one 12AU7Paying a premium is fine. Where are some good places to buy Old Stock tubes? ..Any recommendations? 
Speakers for Krell s300i
The local dealer where I live paired Krell with B&W. I heard the KAV 400xi with a pair of B&W 603's awhile back. I thought the combination sounded real good with acoustic jazz.. Didn't get to listen to other types of music, though. 
Primare I30 and B&W 803D, enough power??
Demianm: a Coda CSI integrated will do a real good job with your 803's, but you'll have to go over your budget just a little. There's one for sale here -check it out. I have nothing to do with the sale and I don't know the person selling it. 
Best power conditioner?
"For me" it's Tara Labs Power Screen AD-10B... I believe it was originally designed by EAD, though. I had Tice Elite, too... very good!! 
Primare I30 and B&W 803D, enough power??
Rotel is good, but the "dual mono" Primare I30 is in another league, and will not have a problem driving the B&W 803D's in your apartment.. Low to mid level listening will be much better with the Primare I30. 400 watt mono blocks are not neces... 
Azimuth observations and importance
So, does it still look level after visual inspection? I use a level that's 1 and 3/4 inch long which I place at the top of the pivoting point (that area is a flat surface on my toan arm) of the tone arm while playing a record to see if the azimuth... 
info about 1970's leslie stereo speakers
Sounds like you're describing a Leslie cabinet. They are designed to amplify organs -such as Hammond organs, like their B-3 and C-3 models. The motorized baffle is controlled by the organist -it has 2 speeds to create 2 different sound effects for... 
Clint Eastwood's HiFi
Electro Voice (EV's).... 
Amp/ preamp for electostatics and why
The Threshold T series amp and pre amp work great for my ML's 
Record grooves under an electron microscope
Only on Star Trek: The Next Generation. 
Rest in peace Doug Fieger
Yes, read about it in the paper this morning. Rest In Peace Doug. 
Cable upgrades for Quicksilver linestage preamp?
>The sound is not dynamic, kinda dull not detailed not enough tight bass<There's a good possibility in an impedance miss-match between your Quicksilver linestage and McCormack amp. Check the specifications in each manual - make sure the outp... 
Static-like digital "pops" on CDs - can be what?
I can't tell you what the problem is cause I don't remember, but years ago I purchased an Onkyo Integra CD player -their top of the line at the time, which developed the same problem (ticks and pops toward the end of the disc) after a coupler of y...