
Responses from guidocorona

My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
I would not go as far as asserting that the speakers in questions are not good... Fact is that I am rather fond of Focals.Yet, reality is that dealers often recommend those brands on which they have obtained higher margins.G.  
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Hello WCSS, have you ever considered doing some speaker placement using the Masterset process devised by Peter Gansterer of Vienna Acoustics and John Hunter of Sumiko.... It does take a modicum of patience, but you achieve achieve good results on ... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
eHmm, lemme see if I can explain our heroic friend WCSS's acute manifestation of Audiophrenia Furiosa in bulletted form....   * He can do it because his wife is a Saint!   * His spirit is that of an explorer of old, Always restless, always questi... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Hmmm... We should consider that WCSS is having fun, first and foremost.... While his never-ending quest is often a source of information/inspiration for many of us, he is not running a Customer Service group chat under contract.... As such, Many p... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
You are right WCSS.... And my bad habit is to start "conducting" when there is a piece that really excites me... And subvocalize the bass line to boot.... All fine when I do it at home, but you can't believe how annoying that was for ppl at RMAF..... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Yeah...  I also hate boring music... That's why I listen mostly to classical *Grins!* 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
eWhat a fabulous birthday present WC!!!At my end instead, to celebrate my upcoming 65th, I just made me the present of a brand-spanking new Wessex Festivo 4-valve compensated euphonium.... Lovely critter was just delivered yesterday:https://wessex... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Vivid and Luxman make for a very nice match, no doubt about it. Vivid seem to work best with amps that are very musical, very much like Luxman, as well as my own fave brand... You are sure to enjoy them!Saluti, Guido 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
I have listened to Luxman gear driving Vivid speakers several times at RMAF... The kind of successful combination that invariably caused me to refuse to get up from the armchair and leave the Luxman/Vivid suite. I also learned as of late that Vivi... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
OK gents, I realize that the current heat wave cross the nation may be cause of some discomfort.... But.... May I suggest that until outside temps return to normalcy, an extra effort be applied to keep things, ahem.... Friendly like, in keeping wi... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
If I remember correctly, a 30A outlet looks nothing like a regular outlet.... And requires a specialized 30A AC connector.G.  
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Hello WCSS, rather than fiddling with eBay, I suggest you call Scott Markwell at Elite Audio Video, the Furutech distributor to the US.... Scott is a fab guy, and the ultimate source of Furutech info: Elite Audio Video Distribution P.O. Box 93896... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Hello WCSS, like you, my bet is on Luxman.... Krell+Ref10 is likely to outperform Luxman in sheer muscularity.... Luxman is more likely to yield a more nuanced experience.G. 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
WC, Clear is these days far from the Cardas state-of-art.... You should really consider Cardas Clear Beyond XL for PCs, and Clear Beyond for analog ICs and speaker wires... Cardas Clear does remain the top digital IC instead.G. 
No-one talks about Rowlands anymore
Hello YYZ, @Alsteward might be able to tell us a bit about the sound of Daemon, as he has heard it at Expona.... I have not heard of direct comparisons of M535 with M825 or M925. However, all reports are that M535 is stunningly good for its $5900 ...