

Responses from halecory

My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
@whitecamaross I picked up on this thread due to the AVR 850 stuff.  I'm back & forth between 2 channel and theater and I have questions for someone not trying to sell me something:1.  Would you consider this piece competitive with a dedicated... 
Oppo105 crashing?
@oddiofyl I'll try it! 
Oppo105 crashing?
@woobie  I have it connected to an Integra DHC 80.3 pre/pro.  The Integra is connected to a Sony projector.  I often listen to music without the projector on and it crashes/freezes either way.   
Oppo105 crashing?
Thank you @erik_squires I'm already using an ethernet cable.  I know it's not a network issue because I'm streaming the same services on other devices with zero issues.  It also freezes during disc play.  It's on its own shelf in an open rack in a... 
Looking for an used, inexpensive pre amp
I'm currently selling my Hafler preamp here on Audiogon.  I would take the pepsi challenge with anything around it's price range.   
Streaming Tidal through Bluesound Node 2 vs Oppo 105D
Thank you @tomcy6  & @gdnrbob! that helps . 
Quick How to Stream MQA via Tidal to Bluesound
@jank Thanks!  Do you need to have the desktop on, open and running?  Or can it be done completely through a smartphone app? 
Quick How to Stream MQA via Tidal to Bluesound
@jank Do you run a desktop to the BDP-105d via usb? Or can it stream Tidal MQA independently?  I currently don't have the Oppo (nor Tidal) and I'm researching best ways of integrating MQA into my system.