
Responses from harv1021

Tekton Impact Monitors
@mofojo Well, that ain’t bad. I'm in. Appreciate the tip! 
Tekton Impact Monitors
@sbayne - That’s why I couldn’t find it. Thank you very much! I’ll have to wait til they post it or possibly get a subscription. 
Tekton Impact Monitors
Can someone point me to the elusive (at least to me) Stereophile review? Thanx in advance!  
Ready to move onto next stage of streaming
@uberwaltz,I find myself in a similar spot. I, too and using a Lyngdorf 2170, but with a BlueSound Node 2. Also using a digital coax cable between the two. It sounds good, but am wondering what it takes to get to the next level (maybe a lot of $$$... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@lancelock,Your 'second system' is looking pretty sweet! Been anxiously following your posts for some time. I'd have to estimate around 140, maybe 150 hours on the speakers. You probably have read it as well, but I know some have opined that the D... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
Maybe a little late to the party. I hate to bash in general and especially w/ the low number of posts, but thought I'd also share that I had a poor experience with who I believe is the owner of Hi-Fi Heaven. I dealt with 3 different people, 2 of w... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hello again, just a quick update. I've now had the SEs for just under 2 months. This is nothing new as I have read about it here and elsewhere, but the 'speaker burn-in' thing is real! I very much enjoyed them out of the box, but this last week ev... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
@aniwolfe , I experienced the former problem; could adjust the volume with the remote, but not on the 2170. It alternated between two numbers when spinning the volume wheel. This was straight out of the box so I went through the store where I had ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Thank you very much! Good to finally be onboard.  
Tekton Double Impacts
Hello all, one of the long time lurkers, first time posters. I'd feel remiss if I didn't post and extend a huge Thank You! to this forum and the many posters. I guess I'm an audiophile novice. I have reached out for help to james_w514 and corelli ...