

Responses from hifiman5

Hi Fi Tuning Supreme fuse-Burn In?
As Bill O'Reilly would say..."circumlocutory is the word of the day"🤓 
What would be good preamp to run McCormick dna1
If you have a stock DNA-1 I would suggest either a tube or misfit preamp.  The stock DNA-1 tilts a bit to the bright side in the upper midrange and treble.  The tubes or mosfets could smooth things out a bit. 
Hi Fi Tuning Supreme fuse-Burn In?
@kosst_amojan. I would like to challenge you to order one E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies, put it inside the door of your electric service and after a few weeks pass, claim you do not hear a new-found naturalness to your system, and see an im... 
Hi Fi Tuning Supreme fuse-Burn In?
@kosst_amojan. I believe my ear/brain interface!  I also believe gear designers who specify specific brands of fuses for specific circuit applications and mark the fuses for directionality so if the listener ever needs to replace one of those fuse... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
🐺. need Metamucil?  Mr. Wolf,  Did the farmer find you raiding the chicken coup🐥 and deliver some justice to your skull?🤯 
Replace CJ with new equipment
@luxmancl38.     Interesting that you bring up Luxman as I replaced my 25+ year old phono stage with the Luxman E-250.  The Luxman has a "sophistication of sound" that reminds me quite a bit of what cj accomplishes in their designs. 
Replace CJ with new equipment
RHB Sound Dezign has modded more cj gear than any other brand.  Bob Backert is the force behind the company and can do as little or as much work on your PV12 as you care to do.  He has done extensive work on my PV12L which has elevated its perform... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@mrs_ppt. Thanks so much for the very detailed reply.  That explains a lot about how it is installed.  Hard to believe it could have the impact of 100 E Mats but then I was skeptical about the E Mats and buying some invalidated that skepticism as ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
It would be interesting to know how it would be mounted in the service panel and what @mrs_ppt means when she mentions the new product being "plugged in".  Plugged into what? 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@geoffkait   Missed an "r".  My bad!!   Thanks for the 🏆, though. 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Sad thing is... you guys probably have nice systems that will never realize their true potential without E Mats and Total Contact.  Every comment made here by those who have indulged goes perfectly along with my experiences.  Instruments have neve... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Very snarky guys🥺!  Coastal Elites??🧐 
Reference Recordings
@mr_m  +1.  I'm a big fan of "Tropic Affair".  Everything you said is spot on! 
Classe Model Ten or McCormack DNA-125? Or...?
McCormack and Vandersteen's have a history of playing well together.  I would strongly suggest going with the McC. and then having SMc Audio upgrade it as funds become available.  In the meantime you'll have much music to enjoy.🎼 
One Only Please- Your Favorite Track from which album and Artist please
"You Make Me So Very Happy" by Blood Sweat & Tears