
Responses from intune

Spendor S 3/5 with Antique Sound Labs Wave 8
You will need more juice than 8 watts with these. I suggest one of the more powerful push pull ASL tube amps. There seem to be plenty of used available a reasonable prices. Also you might want to check out the tubes forum on audioasylum. I use a 4... 
Cary SLI-80 Signature: 6550/KT88 shootout
Generally speaking KT88s have a "fatter" mid range and do not have quite the freq. extention of the 6550. It is really almost impossible say to which is best there are way to many variables. I plan to keep 6550s in my SLI-80 but there must be good... 
Cary SLI-80 Signature: 6922-6SN7-5U4 tube shootout
The 6922/6sn7 swap resulted in better high freq. sound along with a bit better detail. I guess most of the audiophile jargon would apply - air, sound stage, image all improved. YMMV. Over the next few weeks I will be checking out some Tungsram and... 
Cary SLI-80 Signature: 6922-6SN7-5U4 tube shootout
Actually, the 5U4 rectifiers are Sovtek as are the 6922s. The 6sn7s are chinese. At least that's what was in mine. The 6sn7 were replaced by 1950's Raytheon's and the 6922's were swaped for some NOS Ediswain. These changes were suggested by Kevin ... 
soliloquy 5.3 need Amp recommendations, please
Last month I purchased my first tube amp a Cary SLI-80 Signature. I love the thing ..... I wish I had not wasted so much time with solid state. I give it a strong recommendation. The VAC Avatar was interesting as well. 
New or used amp?
First make sure the amp will match up well with your preamp and is suitable to drive your speakers. Try to find a dealer who will let you audition the amp at your place or that will let you return it should things not sound like you want. I have b...