
Responses from ira2000

Miyabi retip - the best options
Hi,I may be a bit late to answer your query but here goes. My Miyabi Srandard needed re-tipping and like you I learned of Takeda not working anymore. So I decided to, instead of re-tipping to get another cartridge. Big mistake. I got a Ikeda 9TT b... 
Preamp Deal of the Century 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Has anyone tried the Shuguang Treasure black bottle cv-181 in their preamp? Is it safe to use as a replacement for the 6sn7 in a Syrah? Thanks in advance.Ira 
Showdown: Your Favorite Cart for Classical?
Haven't heard them all but I've been using a Myabi Standard for years and still love it. 
Top turntables?
I can't argue with what you heard. I can say I used it with a Music Reference pre and and later a Supratek Syrah pre. A Nottingham cartridge and a Myabi Standard. Good enough? I think so. Even a cartridge as superb as the Myabi couldn't help that ... 
Top turntables?
The Simon Yorke turntable is so over rated it isn't funny. I had one. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Tubes last an incredibly long time. I've had a Syrah for about 8 years and have gone through one rectifier and one set of 6SN7's.