
Responses from jakwb

Recording from an integrated amp without tape loop
Zd542 and Gbart, thanks for your responses. I do have a stand alone phone preamp with adjustable gain and loading. I will try that directly into the RtR and monitor it through the RtR output to the amp. 
Has anyone heard the Denon 103-SA?
I've migrated through the various 103's. Started with the original which is a great sounding cartridge for the money - in my opinion beats any MM or MC in the price range. I bought a lightly used 103R that I've been using for the past year. The 10... 
LUXMAN 505u?
I have a 505u and play mostly vinyl. Great phono stage and plenty of power - I rarely have the knob much past 9 o'clock. I use Monitor Audio RS8 speakers. I love this amp. Sounds wonderful. I didn't have the chance to compare it head-to-head with ...