
Responses from jameswei

Your last concert was to see who and when?
Bill Charlap Trio on May 10 at McCarter Theatre in Princeton, NJ. Bill, with bassist Peter Washington and drummer Kenny Washington, held forth with his jazz interpretations of "great American songbook" favorites in the Berlind auditorium. Melodic,... 
Does anyone love the First Watt SIT2
Is there a significant advantage to having two SIT1 monoblocks instead of a SIT2?Is the key difference that the SIT1 has a control for optimizing the load line setting of the SIT device? And how big an advantage is this? 
Does anyone love the First Watt SIT2
Glad to hear your enthusiasm.How would you describe its sound? What did it replace?What speakers are you driving? 
One or two subs
Marty is right that room resonances will be largely determined by the room dimensions, regardless of the number of subs. Careful placement of the sub or subs can help a bit, but the walls will still be the most important factors. (Like, it's very ... 
One or two subs
A 50 Hz sound wave would be a bit less than 23 feet long, assuming the speed of sound is 1125 feet/second at sea level.A half wave would be 11 to 12 feet long. If your subs are 11 to 12 feet apart, the peak pressure from one sub would reach the ot... 
One or two subs
For your application, the single sub might be better.Since much of the low frequency signal is essentially mono in nature, the output of two subs will likely cancel at certain frequencies unless they are fairly close together. 
Fast forward 25 years, what will audio be like?
Music will be stored on cloud servers. You won't use local hard drives or disc media.You will access the internet wirelessly, no more LAN cable, using a device with firmware in semiconductor memory (ala Sandisk), no hard drive.All music will have ... 
Are older series speaker cables a bad investment??
Also, materials cost can be a factor.Years ago, I discovered that silver conductors sounded best in my main system, and I was able to afford the conversion to all silver.But some time after that, the price of silver rose substantially, and I notic... 
Best Integrated amp for my ProAc
ProAcs go well with tube amps. Cary has some good ones.If you insist on solid state, a more tubey sounding solid state amp like the Pass Aleph 3 would work, but that is a basic amp, not integrated. 
Yes db's idea is a great one.I have my L-R fronts driven by my higher fidelity audio system (Pass pre and amps) while my Oppo feeds a Classe pre/pro that provides the high level signal to the amps for my center + surrounds + rears.The Classe pre/p... 
The ML 40 is an impressive machine. If you get one, be sure it has the HDMI module; the original design did not have HDMI capability.I like the built in video screen.The Classe SSP 800 costs less and also has a video screen. Plus it was designed w... 
Silver cables
I could hear the difference when I tried silver cables. Clearer and sharper. I disturbed me to know that the type of metal made a difference.I subsequently upgraded to silver throughout, and I am very happy with my sound.My interconnects are Audio... 
Best modern speaker to match old Mark Levinson
Audition the Thiel CS 3.7. 
Classe' ssp-800 Weak sub output?
Make sure the volume for the subwoofer is turned up.On your "home" screen, select "controls."On the "controls" screen, select "system trims."On the "system trims" screen, select "level trims."Here, you can choose the subwoofer and adjust its level... 
Connection help
Presumably, your HT receiver has high level outputs (RCA?) for the two front channels. These can be connected to your analog preamp inputs, perhaps "source #4 or whatever."When you want to listen to your 2 channel sources, just select them and pla...