
Responses from jameswei

Different Versions of Tice Power Block III?
I have owners' instruction manuals for the B and the C, and I have a review of the A from The Inner Ear Report (TIER).All three versions offer five different circuits.The A is described by the TIER report as having three circuits each with 300 wat... 
Passive/line stage HT preamp?
"the Oppos use 32 bit internal processing for the volume control. Even if you turn the volume down significantly, you'll still have at least 24 bits of resolution. The Oppo's digital volume control is a very good one"Good point; thank you for poin... 
Passive/line stage HT preamp?
"Actually, I guess a better way to ask the question is can I go directly from the analog outs of the Oppo to my amps? Do I lose anything that way?"The Oppo has a volume control that works in the digital domain? Such controls theoretically lose res... 
What's your view on blind testing?
The sound of a component also depends on the rest of the system -- components that sound similar in one system may sound quite different in another. 
Thump noise on the lead in on warped LPs
It is possible for a cartridge suspension to fail spontaneously after some period of use.I don't know much about the Garrot Bros P770, but have you looked to see if the cartridge sinks too close to the vinyl?I assume you would notice if the cartri... 
Thump noise on the lead in on warped LPs
I would try to fix the warp.There used to be devices to fix warps. One remedy used to be to gently heat the vinyl between two sheets of glass in an oven. (Done carefully!)I have a ring clamp on my VPI turntable which is heavy enough to flatten mos... 
What's up with America?
1. I'm trying to understand compression and expansion. I am assuming that there is expansion (or at least no compression) when I listen to my vinyl America because the level is pretty low. Presumably, the musical peaks are not compressed, so the r... 
Classe CA100 - Static, Cut Outs when cold. Ideas?
I experienced a similar problem with a CA 100.These amps are getting old so it could be a bad cap or even a bad solder joint somewhere. (The cost of repair could approach the price of a replacement amp, but then you don't know if the replacement m... 
What's up with America?
I have always liked their music.Whenever I played them tho, I had to turn the volume upwards. Their recording levels always seemed lower than others'. Perhaps this might account for a sense of lack of detail.Has this been changed recently? Or does... 
Can you smell your speakers when youre rockin out?
Never smelled anything from my speakers.I have smelled smoke from cooked electronics, but I guess that's not the same.Could it be the smell of the wood glue or of the fiber batting (if any) inside the speaker being expelled from the speaker port b... 
"Not paypal"
"The best pay option is cash on pickup."Yeah, I remember an $8000 cash transaction buying a pair of monoblocks packed in boxes from a total stranger in a distant town. At least it was in broad daylight and thankfully the amps were good. 
Tube Amplifier for Thiel
Ahhh. Played my 3.6s at volume today.Clean, loud, lithe, liquid, beautiful music. (Like a beautiful gymnast.) And lush, too.Gobs of power from my Carver. Made me feel refreshed from listening, but also just knowing that there's acres of headroom w... 
Tube Amplifier for Thiel
To my recollection, the solid state amps that have a reputation for sounding like tubes have been made by Pass and Carver. I'm sure there must be others too.The Pass Aleph series was distinguished in this regard, although the most powerful one was... 
turntable location
What Buconero said is quite so -- that airborne vibrations can be a a greater problem. A good dustcover can help somewhat here. The HW 19 Mark II usually comes with a good custom hinged dustcover that rests on the wooden base and is not in contact... 
turntable location
Good question.Personally, I try to avoid really long interconnects. But if you go this way, be sure the interconnects are properly shielded with good grounding options.Can you try the closer location first? Maybe you will not experience any vibrat...