
Responses from jaybeep

Benz Micro Ace upgrade to H2, any opinions?
Acadie - how would you describe the difference between the two? Thanks. 
Von Schweikert synergy
I use a Plinius 9100 integrated with VR-2's and it's a great combo - big, articulate sound, great bass slam and smooth detail. 
Von Schweikert VR2 vs Polk Audio LSi15
I am not familiar with the Polks but have had a pair of VR-2's for close to two years and am very satisfied with them. I find their sound to be very clear, dynamic and extended. The bass is huge but well balanced in the context of the speaker. The... 
Initial Impressions of Von Schweikert VR2
Ozzy62 - You really hit it on the VR-2's. I have a pair that has around 200 hours on them and your description is very accurate and well put. I'm finding that the treble is just beginning to smooth out but sounds like it has a little ways to go. I... 
Review: Dali Euphonia MS4 Speaker
Simple- thanks for the answer, much appreciated. I've been happy with the 2100i and the 1.8's for quite a while now myself, really only thinking that a few steps up the evolution of the Plinius integrated line could be a good thing. It's just a ma... 
Review: Dali Euphonia MS4 Speaker
Mfish- I have a Plinius question for you if you don't mind. Your email is not available.I currently have a 2100i, about 5 years old. I have the opportunity to upgrade. I can either go with a 8100mkII, a 8200mkI, both used and at very good prices, ... 
Classe/Plinius Observation
One thing I suggest, if possible, it to try switching out cables with both the Classe and Plinius. I run a Plinius integrated with Dynaudio contour 1.8's and found that cable matching made a world of difference. I use a Harmonic Tech Pro Silway in...