
Responses from jazzdc

Interconnects and non-believers
speaker cables are importantinterconnects are 10x more sothink of it in this manner: you live in  a dry area and you have a rooftop cistern for rainwater. in your home you have a storage tank with sophisticated purification filters.you decide to c... 
MQA and the "Pre Ring - Post Ring" Hoax
No idea what this fellow is going on about...but I do have a lot of recording studio as a musician experience. I have A/B’d MQA vs non MQA countless times on my two high end audiophile systems at home. Any MQA version only sounds to my ears as a s... 
Looking for speaker suggestions
Aerial 5B my favorite BUT I have to admit after A/Bing more than a dozen in the past decade, the absolute best value for the $ is KEF LS50. Ridiculous value and will shine in any 'A' system.  
looking for the best cd transport only, without dac
https://www.stereophile.com/cdplayers/696sf/index.htmlhttp://www.partsconnexion.com/The best I have ever used. Still going strong after many years.you can get them refurbished for about 1300 at the link above.  
what speakers to buy
KEF LS50 (un powered)I have two systems that I have spent 20 years painstakingly matching to the rooms in which I listen to music. One large room and one smaller. I do not own these speakers. I own Aerial 5Bs on sound anchor stands and Celius 202s... 
How Is MQA Fareing?
It's true I do not have the technical expertise to bring to the the table but with 40 years earning my living as a performing musician and the last 20 endlessly experimenting with various combinations of high end audiophile equipment, my opinion m... 
How Is MQA Fareing?
MQA - is not worth time and effort. Consensus with my audiophile contacts is some things sound a bit 'better' will others a bit worse! Mostly it just makes things sound slightly different and NOT better. When I recorded tracks 20-30 years ago, we ...