

Responses from jblselector

best preamps
Best I have heard . Gryphon Mirage and Ypsilon ...forget pre model but Phono stage is Ypsilon Silver ....$80 000. For my limited budget Yamaha C2a refurbished Yamaha CX 1 and Sony E90ES - units I use regularly. Luxman C03 is decent too. So much to... 
best interconnect at decent price
I have heard very very expensive systems with reference grade cable and sure it's better than what I have but I use Oyaide rca and balanced cables or make cables up from Amphenol ends and Canare cable in quad core or rca based cable. Even the ok $... 
I'm a total sucker for anything Hannah Reid from London Grammar does. Hannah has power and frailties all at once. My second choice is Sara K ....check out her album Play On Words. Sade is up there and also  Bonnie Paine from Elephant Revival.  
What improvements did you hear in going from entry level to high end Audio?
The path to high end is long and expensive in most cases. Few push the boat out and buy a $200 000 system for example. Some get caught up what gear is reviewing well, hype of the back of it in shops Etc. All our ideas of what the ultimate is true ... 
This is juvenile...
Hannah Reid from London Grammar. Heard her voice before I saw her angelic beauty. She is frail yet strong in voice...speaks so well in that upper crust Brittish accent.....perfect. Seen London Grammar live 3 times.....heaven on earth. Sade or Sara... 
Price No Object Amps
I have heard none of these. I have heard the Ypsilon Set Ultimate 100's and they were amazing.,For $130000 for the pair they would want to be. Another amp I love is The Gryphon Anthillion Evo. Only around $50000.... cheap lol. But it walks the lin... 
Best Preamp - NO preamp... (?)
Each to their own, it depends on you ears, your pre amp. Some preamps are great others disappointing. I use a number of different ones in different systems. My Yamaha c2a is an example of a good preamp. It's fast yet has a degree of warmth and sol...