

Responses from jbplaya

Discontinued equipment that you wish were still here. What do you miss or think will miss?
Athena Audition Line of Speakers or really Athena the company itself. I have yet to come across a set of speakers that truly defied the "get what you pay for" aspect of home audio shopping. The AS-F2 tower speakers that retailed for $699 I think m... 
What is the most important component in your system.
It all starts and stops with power per channel for me. My AudioControl Pantages 230W x 5 amp is the heart of my system and the Sunfire Theater Grand TGP-5 Processor is the brains so I guess the lungs of my system are my Athena AS-F2s L/R mains (a)... 
Buying speakers ten or more years old a good idea?
I just recently bought a pair of psb500 loudspeakers (made in 1992) with the factory recommended stands from the original owner who still had the manuals. I agree that the technology in speakers have not advanced like the amps and receivers have. ...