

Responses from jdpalmer1

Help me replace ancient speakers - or not
ProAc Tablette, 1SC or 2S if you can find them. 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
One word. ProAc. 
Am I using the right speaker cables?
Kimber 12TC internal bi wire if possible.  
Like the new look to audiogon ?
The people that thought this was a good idea must be the same people fired from Pontiac that green lighted the Aztek.  
First Foray into XLR
If you go XLR make sure you get a "star quad" cable to get the real benefit of the noise rejection. I’m running the Canare and think they are great. 
What used speakers raraely come up for sale
I'll see your Proac Response 2 and raise you a 2.5! Love mine and will be hard to find better. 
Best cartridge under $1500.
Love the 17D3, don't think you can get a more accurate cart on the market. Fussy with setup is the only downside. 
most advanced speaker in a rectangular wooden box?
exceptional voices of female singers (non-classical)
Maureen McGovern has one of the most "pure" tones I've ever heard. Listen to her interpretations of Arlen tunes if you can find the cd. 
Dynaudio vs Harbeth vs ProAc
I'm another vote for Proac. I have a pair of the Response 2.5s and there are still very few speakers I would buy to replace my 20 year old pair.  Match them up with some Audio Research gear and you have a match made in heaven.