
Responses from jeffrubin

Is DEQX a game changer?
Congrats!  Please let us know your experience once you get set up.   
Is DEQX a game changer?
Thanks Andrew!  That is exactly what I'm hoping to do.  I cannot wait until I can get an HDP5! 
Is DEQX a game changer?
This may have been touched on earlier, but the potential power of the DEQX has inspired me to seriously consider attempting to build my own speakers.  I've been researching this quite a bit and it appears that the real challenge of speaker buildin... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Roon running directly on the HDP5 is awesome.   
DEQX Beginner seeking advice
Erik, can you elaborate on the acoustic order principals?  I get the group delay and dynamic range concepts, but I would like to understand more about what you refer to as acoustic order.   
DEQX Beginner seeking advice
Hi Blang.  Per Barry the Soundoctor's strong recommendation, I plugged the ports on my Raidho's and never looked back.  Barry's explaination of the impact of the secondary output from the ports and their detrimental effect on phase optimization wa... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
I too have followed MQA very closely.  Very promising, crazy enthusiasm, but so far...nothing.  I wrote to DEQX a few weeks ago with some questions, one of which regarded MQA integration.  Their response was that the jury is still out on MQA, they... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Yes, that's what I was wondering too.  Wouldn't the signal be limited to the weakest link in the chain?  Would the analogue output of the superior DAC not be limited to the same quality as if the original digital signal was just sent through the D... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
How would you add a better DAC to a DEQX preamp?  If it comes before the DEQX and goes into the analogue input, isn't the superior DAC's signal then reduced to the limits of the DEQX's DAC?  I read that you can use a superior DAC after the DEQX on... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Thanks blang.  That's a terrific article, I had not scene it.  I am currently attempting to learn everything I can about speakers and acoustics prior to pulling the trigger on a DEQX (now more "when" than "if").  I'm slowly working my way through ... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
I just stumbled upon this story in TAS form 2008: Wolf of Magico used a DEQX crossover in his own Ultimate speakers.  That certainly is a big validation of the transparency... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Ah good, the volume settings could solve the problem.  May seriously consider just sticking with 2 channel for TV if the voices can be tuned correctly.   Definitely going to measure outside.  Big grass lawn next to my house and easily moved Raidho... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Thanks Andrew.  That's extremely helpful on the bypass question.  My other concern though is having to max the volume on the prepro source and the risk of switching sources forgetting to turn the volume back down.  One solution I thought of is put... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Hi all,I recently became interested in DEQX and discovered this epic thread.  I read through most of it and it has been very helpful.  I am seriously considering an HDP-5.  The weak links in my system are my Oppo BDP105 which I use as my DAC and a...