
Responses from jenney

Anyone have an experience with Belles Aria preamp & mono amps vs. tube integrated ?
TwoleftearsI like the idea of no tinkering with the tube bias which the Primaluna will avoid but there is still tube life. My biggest question is do you miss the “tube sound” of the Rogue now that you have gone the Aria route? If I decide to go th... 
Anyone have an experience with Belles Aria preamp & mono amps vs. tube integrated ?
Thanks for the inputJenney 
Anyone have an experience with Belles Aria preamp & mono amps vs. tube integrated ?
I may consider your invitation, I reside in Waterloo 
Need pre amp looking for sugestions
To stay with tubes ARC LS -16 or 25. But for those features & tubes it will cost. Possibly you should look into the Bryston pre-amp/processor line up 
GAS ampzilla grandson
I owned a Grandson it does not have the external means to easily be switched to mono. Though I believe it is possible to bridge internally but GasAudio could best answer. I too am having trouble getting their website up 
Why do people selling on E Bay "USE" Audiogon?
Audiogon is better than E bay!! The sellers & buyers more educated about their hobby & equipment, they have a sense of self policing to keep the format honest & truly an interactive club society. I wouldn't buy anything on Ebay as I ha... 
B&W 804 nautilus OR Revel f30
I have read the earlier responses. I own the 804's you will need a large room, I have ARC LS8mkII & Classe CA-151 804's are bi-wired I find this to be a very good combination. Keep in mind that unlessyour room is as big & tall as the deale... 
Bringin' that thrift-store smell home
Obviously it's not the vinyl. Yes, the jackets got damp & since they are paper based there is only one thing that will work. Remove the vinyl, then place the jacket out in the hot sun!! a low humidity day is best & lay flat on a raised rac... 
Review: Tjoeb 4000 CD Player
I have the Ah! before the 4000 the Tjoeb 99 I opted for the a/c noise killer & supercrystal & went immediately for the Aperex tubes, Fabulous sound. I have seen & read reviews on the 4000 & would be willing to bet all one would nee...