

Responses from johnchristian

Which is REALLY the best Conrad Johnson Preamp
I certainly yield to the more experienced voices here, but I enjoyed the Classic 2, which has been replaced by the Premier 3; both into Premier 11a. This is my first tube system after years of quality SS/MOSFET. For my ears the tubes are a better ... 
My Amp is Broken - Not Sure What to Do - Any Recommendations?
Contact Jeff Jackson at lktrnx@gmail.com. He's a great guy and will give you the straight scoop on realistic options. Good luck!  
Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range
If you don't mind spending less money, consider the Tekton Design Upgraded Double Impact or other choices from Tekton. I switched from ProAc Response 2.5s + Sub to considerable improvement. I have not heard all of the others mention in the thread,... 
Power Conditioner Advice please...
soma70,I'm not an "expert", nor a shill; in fact I was a little skeptical about power conditioning as a concept. However, like you, and I assume many others, I noticed a marked improvement in sound in the wee hours, so I tried a power conditioner ... 
Greatest Rock Drummers
Lots of great artists here, not to dismiss any; and I get it that some may argue that Little Feat was not a rock band, but my guy is/was Richie Hayward; may he rest in peace.