
Responses from joolz

Naim Hicap-4 pin DIN-to Linn LK 240's-RCA
my friend got some naim cables like that to use a tape deck so i guess they would do it for you--also i know ''chord'''make these cables as well and they are at seen a few lately on ebay-i dont if they are still there. 
CD player cleaning.
tell ya what i do once in a while .....i take the cover of the cd player off and with a fine artists brush i brush the lense carefully..just try that for now---------then the laser allignment if that dont work(when info is through) 
What's your profession? Age?
musician aged 31 live in ohio/band is in london u.k--some work in LA california---when i aint doing that i play in cover bands here in the u.sgot somthing to fall back on ''landscaping''i buy used linn gear cos i'm a muso''spent a lot on equipment... 
CD player cleaning.
i just read an article in the back of last months stereophile mag on laser allignment! it said what it was all about and what u need but didnt say how to go about it step by step.. so i wrote to the guy that wrote the article and he's getting back... 
Active?? mix brands
i totaly understand! thanx a million-----ive yet to go active--havent heard a linn active yet but heard a naim and it was awsome apart from the unbearable treble 
Integrated Amp upgrade
i agree with sean ''what hifi'' is a pub beer boy mag'' i cant believe people put in their mags''VOTED TOPS BY WHAT HIFI'' overated tacky mag filled full of jap gear what you can buy at curry's or circuit city...NAFF!!!!!!!!!!even HIFI choice mag ... 
Two channel or to multi-channel, that is the ???
why multi channel??? when you go and watch a band or orchestra they are on a stage infront of youLEFT AND RIGHT---never sitting around you...i heard a multi channel set up in london at a show and they played metallica's nothing else matters or som... 
Looking To Buy Wide Screen TV
if ya got the digital thing on ya mind......make sure your tv has a digital decoder built in(if not a digital tv)(who can afford one>?) all the new tv's in the uk are widescreen period as that is the bradcasting format...also they broadcast in ... 
Ode to Bose
best bose set i heard was under the end of my hammer 
Integrated Amp upgrade
what about a lfd mistral le, if you have $1500.. 
keep the LINN or get a NAIM
fatigue! thats what i get with the system i have already--it sounds killer--but after playing rock for an hour i need to put on acoustic music or ambient--it feels like my ears are compressed-- how do u solve this! what kit is non fatigue for rock... 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
what ya do is! strut through the door with ya pricy gear wait for the moaning to commense from the female party.....stick your fingers in your ears and stamp ya feet and yell nah nah nah nah nah i cant hear u, nah nah nah nah nah.... 
How much money do you want to waste?
yeah you gotta get into cables man!!!i had audioquests on my linn rigg $60 a shot,then a friend told me bout nordost blue heavens and they are $160 a shot and i tell you my system sounded like 5 blankets had been taken off the speakers--i had tran... 
need new cd player-budget is tight this winter
yeah i know all about maplin and i'm dab handy with a solder gun too--tell ya what i may try that-i'll get on the site later tonight...its good to get feedback off a musician as we have the ear to hear what instruments realy sound like. may be mov... 
need new cd player-budget is tight this winter
yeah thanx sean! i moved from london uk a couple of years ago and i live in ohio where my wifes from and there is a serious lack of audio freaks here so a demo of another product is not gonna happen soon(between friends)--so i end up here with cyb...