

Responses from jricci

A.J. Conti of Basis Audio has passed away.
Sad. I bought a debut gold standard from him in 1990 on advice of Arthur Salvatore that I used and enjoyed for 23 years. It now resides happily with another basis lover in Taiwan. It was the most revealing and enjoyable part of my system.  When I ... 
Phono interconnects acting as antenna, adding noise to system
It isDone by licensed electrician 
Phono interconnects acting as antenna, adding noise to system
My system Frankensteins and coincident phono stage are unbalanced 
Phono interconnects acting as antenna, adding noise to system
Would running cables through a braided sheild in the conduit work? 
Phono interconnects acting as antenna, adding noise to system
The noise occurs if interconnect connected to amplifierDoesn't matter if-connected to phono amp-phono amp on or off-phonoamp volume up or down-phono or bypass input selected 
Phono interconnects acting as antenna, adding noise to system
Not directionalHappens with any audio cable 
Phono interconnects acting as antenna, adding noise to system
Separate audio system ground independent of house groundAll audio grounds share single ground with no ground loopsNoise present when interconnect connected to amplifier input. No other connection impacts sound.  No effect of phono amp gain or powe...