
Responses from ken7

Cannot find perfect sound
Don't waste any more money. Go to live concert events!!!!!! 
I can not live without "Room Correction"
Purchased a DSpeaker Anti Mode 2.0 from(made in Finland) several years ago....easy to use, oodle of possible settings.....but I settled on equalizing signals below 200 Hz....with a sub woofer(Velodyne) and Harbeth 40.1's in my large room, the bass... 
In search for speakers of "natural" sound
You don't mention which Harbeth's you have but my Harbeth 40.1's are about as natural and neutral as any on the market....and I have been using Quad 57's for over 30 years(retired after getting the Harbeths). What these speakers need are a rather ... 
Looking for vintage Quad ESL's - or my wife thinks a "shrink" becase she says I'm crazy!
I've been a Quad 57 owner for years and have finally replaced them with Harbeth 40.1's. You have to have a large sized room for these but when you sit at the apex of a equilatrral triangle with them, they are every bit as transparent as the Quads ...