
Responses from kennesawjet

need your help on this one.....
yes, pdreher  I play my music loud, have large, hungery, somewhat inefficient speakers, in a large room, alon IV's.  I thought the pass x250.8 was class ab....... 
thinking of switching from conrad johnson......
thanks djfst, will look into it........... 
thinking of switching from conrad johnson......
coppy777 you want to sell that amp.......... 
thinking of switching from conrad johnson......
safebeslayer, thought about the vtl line could only afford the 2.5 maybe.coppy777 that is my favorite amp, but I have a pv 12, wouldnt I have to update the pre as well with that.foey, meaning  i have had it for some time. gdnrbob, I talk with stev... 
thinking of switching from conrad johnson......
yeah sfall, that's my thinking as well.  talked with different companies about a change, (dan, w/modwright, jeff, w/cj, I cant think of her name w/vtl, to name a few.  what do you recommend) decided to get pv 12 mod instead, then switched to amp. ... 
thinking of switching from conrad johnson......
dweller tell me about the herron gear.   had a real long and good conversation with an audiogoner about cary stuff.   
thinking of switching from conrad johnson......
sfall, is the sound rolled off as I have heard...ebm, I was thinking about the et3, just had my pv 12 upgradedjoeinid, that is what I was thinking, that the tech is a little out dated now, will look into the ps audio and bhk stuff.assoc equip spea... 
thinking of switching from conrad johnson......
heard only good things about pass equipment.... 
thinking of switching from conrad johnson......
meant that, one I liked, like hovland and joule.    
thinking of switching from conrad johnson......
yes, Conrad Johnson, tends to roll off the top end.  want something a little fuller sound.   
thinking of switching from conrad johnson......
sorry, make that the plinius sb 301 
Need help ...
damn, your first system and you start at the top......I hate you. 
need your help for sony ubp-x800
thanks, reubent. talked with my friend at audio advisor, said the same thing.  decided to send it back and get the oppo instead.... thanks for the update.sfall, as you can see that exactly what  I'm doing..... 
Looking for an inexpensive Blue ray player
i ordered the sony, the other day, had them tell me when it was available for sale.  will be here tdy...........will let you know how it sounds, got mind for $299......... 
looking for a good alround blue ray player..........
randy-11,what is the oppo 203, never heard of it, tell me more about it. and your experiences with it if possible.