

Responses from kentamcolin

Paul Grzybek Tube Audio Design Passing
Wow, this was a shock to read. I had spoken with him in person several times over the years and still use almost daily one of his hot rodded Fisher 400's. He was a real gentleman and talented engineer. 
What is "rich mans" DL-103?
I was running a Dynavector XX-2 and tried the Zu. Sold the Dyna and never looked back. The Dyna had slightly sweater highs, but overall the Zu was better to my ears, and tracked better. I had siblance on a few albums I could never get dialed out, ... 
Cartridge recommendations VPI Scoutmaster
I ahve a Scout with Scoutmaster platter and motor, and use a Dynavector XX-2 mk2. Very sweet cartridge. 
Dynavector XX-2
I recently upgraded from a 20XH to the XX-2 MK2. It's a big price jump from the 20x to XX-2, but in my mind the XX-2 is really 3X better. It's simply an amazing cartridge. I'm using a P-75 phono stage in PE mode on a VPI Scout and the sound is sim... 
TT set up question
This si known as "inner groove distortion" and is an indication of a cartridge alignment problem. Some cartridges are more susceptable than others. Carefully check alignment and anti-skate settings.