
Responses from kitch29

Applause: Bummer
I like it, Sd. From now on, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. It also makes sense. Applause. 
Cones vs. factory spikes?
My Meadowlark Kestrels have the all time worst factory spikes, an obvious afterthought, especially in view of the otherwise wonderfully crafted cabinets. That said, I simply put 25 lb. bags of lead shot on top of each speaker and Newton's third la... 
Tube Biasing ?
There's another thread here on bias vs. sound with some posts from people who I feel are more experienced than I. You all should be warned that I don't hear results from some of the tweaks that are mentioned. Whether it's my ancient ears or my sys... 
Is there no end?
Does running the speakers facing each other out of phase really work? 
Tube Biasing ?
Already broken in tubes stray about 5 mV after 3 weeks or so. I use a somewhat arbitrary number (275 mV) based on an absolute upper limit of 300 mV for the RM-10. After break-in it's more something to do then anything to be concerned about. When n... 
Hardwood audio rack
Wood technology is a science like any other. If interested, R. Bruce Hoadley is generally recognised as the expert and his books are quite readable. Briefly, wood density is a function of specific gravity, the density relative to water, and if you... 
Cable / Upgrade Recommendation
I always thought of Enid Lumley as a comical figure but after seeing the recommendation to raise cables off the floor repeated here and at Mapleshade, I figured, what the heck, like chicken soup, it couldn't hoit. I cut the flaps off a cardboard b... 
Any mid-priced Receivers Worthwhile???
I've owned the Outlaw for almost a year and recommend it over the Denon 3800 and NAD 760 (?). It's much better on 2 channel audio than either in terms of image and timbre. It has all the goodies for setting levels and has the middle surround chann... 
Tube Biasing ?
My RM-10 manual refers to the tube plates glowing red when over-biased. A $29 Radio Shack meter set for volts is all you need to get an accurate reading and I've seen several references to monthly checking although brand new tubes will change almo... 
Hardwood audio rack
What do you mean by "burred"? Hardwoods are classified for grain by porosity, i.e. either open or closed. Oak, for example is open grained, maple and mahogany are closed. Are you referring to rough-sawn? Hardwoods are also classified by density wh... 
I am stunned
BTW, I cannot tell a lie, the correct attribution is not de Chardin, the dreaded humanist, but actually Charles III of Spain. I don't remember the context, but it was likely what he said in response to his query about the weather in the English Ch... 
I am stunned
Sugarbrie- I was ready to congratulate you (you're first post) on a first rate ecumenicalism, but then I found out it was really epistemological which certainly has ramifications for the ontology of the audible ephemera of the connective media in ...
Oh Oh, that should have been click on the righmost menu. 
Want help for my system
I was going to write that this is clearly a case of too many dollars chasing too few......but then it's possible that Diakonov has never heard of Milton Friedman so I won't bother 
music you cant live without
I knew johanssen didn't sound right, just got back from amazon, it's Byron Janis playing concertos 2&3 on mercury 32759