
Responses from kitch29

Speaker Enclosures
gmkowal-check the threads under diy and look for northstar audio 
DAC at us$1000
I just sent back the MSB Link DAC III (no upgrades)after 30 days, nothing but a high pass filter in my not very high-end system: Parasound cdp-1000 to Outlaw Audio receiver pre-outs to Sonographe SA-250, Meadowlark Kestrels. 
Speaker Enclosures
Subaruguru is right on about the difficulties of working granite, only those with diamomd tipped tools need apply.MDF is just the opposite, cuts and routs absolutely clean with crisp edges and no tearout. Dimensionally stable so takes veneer extre... 
Best DIY tube amp kit(s)
atma-sphere has discontinued sale of kits 
Your 5 Fav Rock Concerts
Hendrix Detroit, Hendrix London, Hendrix Manchester, Tim Buckley Cleveland, The Hello People Cleveland. 
Meadowlark Kestral Owners! - Amp Help.
Funny you should ask Prfont, I received my gift to myself today, a sonographe 250 fbo my kestrels. After 4 hours (not much) better soundstage, better able to hear into the hall, violins have lost their squeaks but still bite on a downbow, and Joni... 
Anyone tried Stan Warren/Supermod Player
PAUL s barton. btw, didn't andy bartha do some mod that was a fav and written up in the 80's by stereophile? 
Anyone tried Stan Warren/Supermod Player
I've spoken to andy bartha about his mod to the pioneer 525 and read about stan warren's. assuming i decide to have this done, what's the downside, if any to using the toslink for h/t and the coax to the msb link dac III? both in terms of using bo... 
Results of granite platforms for Silverl
Redkiwi- even New Zealand has to have cabinetmakers, you may call them "joiners". The local equivalent of maplem i.e, a straight grained hardwood between oak and cherry in hardness, (perhaps yew or stinkwood?) should be joined so that the top and ... 
Shopping CD players: my big adventure
Corndog and ben, let me know when you want to meet me at the Viet Nam Memorial so we can view the names of our brothers who died after 1971 because joannie and hanoi jane and the others helped uncle ho frustrate kissinger and prolong the war.That ... 
Shopping CD players: my big adventure
EmmyLou is asking me to meet her at the wrecking ball, so I gotta go but thanks for all the info... it seems that waiting a bit makes sense; suddenly the parasound/msb sounds pretty good. 
Shopping CD players: my big adventure
Thanks. I should say that the $1300 for the Classe' would be my dollar limit, Wall Street has learned to get along without me and I really like making furniture. 
Upsampling DACS: Take the Pepsi Challenge
Was anyone else out there forced to read the "Transactions of the Royal Academy" between Newton, Huygens and Hook over the refraction of light? Once you got past all the s's looking like f's it's a pretty hilarious account of the science, a la New... 
DVD Player & my DAC
Just spoke to andy bartha about the upgrade he does to the pioneer dv-525 which makes it a much better stand alone cd player. He recommends still using it with the msb link dac III but that's where a problem comes in. If you use the 525 coaxial di... 
Link DAC III: In Out, In Out;
Absolutely unsure. Other upgrades like bi-wiring, no question: wider deeper, clearer soundstage. Maybe because it's such a PITA to crawl behind the rack to do the switch, or my amplification doesn't have enough resolving power (have a sonographe 2...