
Responses from loveitloud

Pass Labs X250 - Good Match for my Apogee Stages?
Thank you all for your ideas with the Aragon 4004. I will research more on this amplifier. How much are these amps worth now days?JEFFJAZZ: I am excited to hear from you. At this point I am thinking that I too can get away with the PASS X150 amp t... 
Best Amp to drive my Apogee Stages?
I realize this thread is fairly old and I have gotten some wonderful responses already, but I looking to receive some more feedback. I am thinking about buying a Threshold amp and there are currently 2 on Audiogon for $800. There is an older Thres... 
Best Amp to drive my Apogee Stages?
Hello Dave/All,Are there any sound differences between the original Apogee stages vs. the mini-grand (top portion) speakers? Besides age of course. I do know that the build is slightly different. Is that as far as it goes or it there more to it?-LitL 
Best Amp to drive my Apogee Stages?
Hey Gallant_diva. 144 tubes must light up (and warm up) your listening room quite well. That is amazing and fun. My Dad worked for Ampex back in the 60's, but he went to solid state when he bought his Apogee Studio Array back in the mid 90's (when... 
Best Amp to drive my Apogee Stages?
My only 1 issue with my only listening experience with THE Apogee was the way it highlighted the flaws in every recording I listened to. It was so defined that I could not play any of todays music due to the limited digital range of the recordings... 
Best Amp to drive my Apogee Stages?
Gallant_diva:I have never heard anything finer than the Apogee Fullrange. Why play with stages when you have the REAL thing?-LIL 
Best Amp to drive my Apogee Stages?
Whoa,It has been crazy-fun to read all of your postings. I have been enjoying the comments and opinions so much. And, I have researched many of these ideas. I still have not made an amplifier purchase due to my 4 month old daughter joining Day Car...