
Responses from marktomaras

Anybody bold enough to try a voltage conversion on your own?
Thank you georgehifi, I was hoping this is not rocket science!  Perhaps I’ll open the hood and investigate soon...By the way, what is your feeling on using a large capacity step down isolation transformer instead of changing all of the wiring on s... 
Anybody bold enough to try a voltage conversion on your own?
I love the idea of not spending $1500 on voltage conversions and shipping back and forth.  But I am worried that the transformer will not be a good "audiophile" solution.  The last thing I want is some noise or distortion in my system!  thoughts? 
Anybody bold enough to try a voltage conversion on your own?
Kosst, Would you happen to have any photos of what it looks like to wire the primaries? Is it simply removing the solder in a wire from one point in moving into a different point and re-solder it? 
Anybody bold enough to try a voltage conversion on your own?
Mgattmch, is a device like that "audiophile friendly"?  I would guess that something like that can introduce noise or constrain dynamics.  Is that the case? 
Turntable setup in Chicagoland area
Call Music Direct.  They have really great customer service.  If they do not offer the service ( and I am guessing that they do ) they may be able to point you in the right direction. 
Best used or new DAC under $3500
Another vote for a PS Audio DAC with Bridge II.  I have the older PWD mkII with Bridge II, and I think it is outstanding.  The bridge II is a really interesting piece - send data via ethernet and the bridge II card then plays the music.  Partner i... 
gain switch and volume control position
Mesch,good call on finding out how the gain is configured.  I think I will ask Schiit and see what they say!I really love the LCD-2.  It is amazing.  As a newcomer to high quality headphones, I am blown away that I can get a similar level of liste... 
issue with preamp
Sounds like you have a tube going bad.  For starters, swap the left channel tubes with the right channel tubes and see if the distortion moves to the other channel. That will confirm that the issue is in the, you can simply replace the ... 
Which Patricia Barber album floats yer boat?
I just bought the DSD download of companion for $25 at acoustic sounds, a fair price.  Are you using hard drive based music yet or only discs? 
Coming out of the blackhole called work...retirement
There are plenty of affordable hifi components on the market from several manufacturers. I am not familiar with the one you mentioned but I think an enjoyable system can be assembled with a reasonable (meaning not astronomical) budget.What do you ... 
What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?
Not a single thing!though I went through a hifi growth spurt when the dollars were flowing like wine around 2010 :-) 
Which Patricia Barber album floats yer boat?
Music is of course quite subjective, hence the people saying nasty things about Barber in this thread.  The first album I had was Cafe Blue, and I think it is outstanding.  I love almost every track.  I had seen her live at The Green Mill in Chica... 
is HD Tracks out of business?
No ad blockers, but I just tested it again and it works fine! Perhaps  they were having some trouble with their server...Case closed 
is HD Tracks out of business?
weird.  nothing loads here.  I used to be a customer.  Just bought an album from acoustic sounds instead.  In fact, I buy most of my final from them, and they have a nice selection of high res digital. 
is HD Tracks out of business?
that's the one.