
Responses from mbhintz

Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity to hear many of the DAC's discussed thus far locally. May be time to hit one of the bigger shows. Does anyone have any comments on how the Metric Halo LIO-8/Sonic Studio interfaces compare to some of the... 
Amarra 2.3.2 vs Puremusic 1.82 playback software
I think this is another example of "best" being what sounds best to you when listening with your ears on your system. I tried both programs a couple of years ago and decided at that time that Pure Music was as good and a lot less expensive. Have b... 
Mac Mini vs. Macbook Pro as a server
A couple of comments. There are many ways to skin the digital cat, and digital audio continues to improve. Like most things in this hobby, I doubt there is one "best" anything - depends on your taste and values. Having said that, please note that ... 
Mac Mini vs. CDP?
Probably no hard fast answer to your question, but I'll offer my opinions. I suggest you read some of the "setting up a computer for audio" articles by the various manufacturers and/or audio mags. Ayre has some good info on their web site. You don... 
CAT JL-2 amp upgrade
Had a "standard" JL-2 that I bought used and it worked well with one re-tubing for 3 years. It handily outclassed anything before it, tube or SS. Then a bad tube took out a resistor and damaged one of the boards. After some attempts at repair myse... 
Tube amp for "difficult" speakers,,,
CAT JL-2. Not clear if you are still in the market and I would not want to spring for any tube amp of the size you will need without auditioning it with your speakers. Having said that, I've not seen any tube amp (or most SS) that handle difficult... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
CAT JL-2 signature. I admit I've thought of selling it - heavy, hot, fussy about tubes and uses lots of them, but. . . I bought it used (an earlier JL-2), had no problems for over 3 years, then a bad tube sent it back to factory for repair. I took... 
Mac sound quality
Hello:A couple of things you can do:I suggest you do not use the Mac's digital audio out. Get a usb to SPDIF converter if you want to continue to use your Levinson DAC. Sterophile has reviewed several of them recently.Do not rely on itunes alone f... 
Who has found happiness giving up cd player?
I started playing with an old mac laptop and a music streamer plus. The convenience was great, the sound OK. I finally "got" what having an i-pod was all about though - you get to hear music that you haven't heard in years because you never think ... 
Computer output to DAC, which route?
The one box solution:I have been a pretty hardcore analog devotee, but loved the convenience of digital. Cut to the chase: If you have a Mac server with firewire, buy yourself a Metric Halo LIO-8. There is a learning curve associated with pro gear... 
Music Servers vs. High-End CD & DAC--Help Please
I second the motions of the folks above regarding going to a server. My experience indicates that you don't take a quality hit - it actually gets better (at least compared to my CD player) as well as much more convenient. I went to a Mac Mini serv... 
amarra or pure music..?
I can't comment on pure music, but can tell you that the first time I've ever been able to say "that sounds really good" without adding the words "for digital" was with Amarra on my Mac Mini feeding my Ayre QB-9. Some of the differences are obviou...