
Responses from mbovaird

Amp with best bass control
@audiolabyrinth - the D3 specs are 89db, 6ohms, with a impedance ohm drop into the 3 range. I am flying to Boston next week for a demonstration of the Audionet amp/preamp on the D3's. In addition, my friend may bring his Soulution 501's so we can ... 
Amp with best bass control
The D'Agostino amp is one of my favorites - indeed! You have to be careful with isolation. Too much isolation is not good IMO. Isolation causes equipment to store up energy and this energy needs to be released. We are all talking about isolation, ... 
Revel Salon 3?
@James63 - give the Magico S5 a listen. Amazing bass. 
Revel Salon 3?
If you have even the slightest sensitivity to aggressive tweeters - these are for you. The Revel tweeter is as smooth as silk. I've owned both the Salon 2 and Studio 2. Both are excellent. Big room, go Salon 2. Small room, go Studio 2.Other than M... 
Amp with best bass control
I already bought the Raidho D3's.If you go to the Raidho Acoustics Facebook page - the speakers they are building "for a customer in Florida" are mine! :)I'm still considering Soulution, Audionet, Viola and D'Agostino. Maybe Sim, Jeff Rowland and ... 
Soulution 501's vs Audionet Max
@Audiofreakgeek - thank you. Have you heard both Audionet and Soulution? How would you compare their differences and similarities? 
Tube vs. SS Dilemma
Revel Studio 2 
Soulution vs Boulder vs TAD electronics vs MBL whi
Maybe its just me, but I have always liked (loved) MBL speakers with MBL amps. 
Tube vs. SS Dilemma
I agree with Larryi. I would say it all depends on several factors: your speakers, your room and the type of music you listen to. Others will say cables also play a role.Given that your speakers have a built in ICE amp to handle bass, I would lean... 
Amp with best bass control
@ Audiolaybrinth - I flip gear - a lot. It's what I do. A year ago, I had a pair of Sonus Faber Stradivari's and all McIntosh gear. Then I sold all that, and moved to Pass gear. Then I sold all that and moved to ARC gear.....now.....well....you ge... 
Amp with best bass control
Yes. Peace boys. It's all great stuff. Pick your favorite flavor of ice cream and move on. There are no winners or losers. Just different flavors. Different strokes for different folks. 
Amp with best bass control
Melbguy1 - you are paranoid. Move on. You love Boulder - great. Enjoy it. 
Amp with best bass control
Have you heard Soulution amps? Coloration? Hmm...me thinks you haven't heard them. Have you heard D'Agostino amps? Vitus? Constellation? Anything SOTA? If your reference is an amp designed in 1999, you need to simply enjoy it for what it is or kee... 
Amp with best bass control
Quick update: I was able to audition Constellation, Boulder and D'Agostino amps yesterday. The Constellation Stereo, the Boulder 1060 and the D'Ag monos. I found the Constellation very smooth, yet detailed, but lacking a little in bass punch - but... 
Amp with best bass control
I don't want to get off topic with discussions of a CD player, but I will say the EAR CD player sounded very warm, without any hint of typical digital edge or fatigue. There is digital I can listen to for hours (like the Linn Klimax DS, Akurate DS...