
Responses from micomeyer

Allnic family
I am another happy Allnic owner, and I can only echo the positive comments above. 
Is anyone using either a Allnic L3000 or L1500?
I use l-3000 with pass labs xa160.5 into SF Amati. Futura, cables are Tara labs. I love the combination. I listened to a lot of brand over last 5 years, owned NAIM, McIntosh, BAT. This is by far the best, but also most expensive chain I have heard 
Allnic line stage mating with amplifiers
I just bought a l-3000 and use it with pass labs xa160.5. I love the combi. 
Audioquest Pikes Peak
I have the pikes peak. It is a very good cable for the money. Soundstage and lower end is outstanding. Lacks some detail in the upper end, when used with lower cost interconnects. I switched to McIntosh recently and use Tara labs interconnects. Si...