

Responses from mikedaniels

KT120 Tube compatibility w/ Jadis Defy 7 Amp MK 1
I've got a Defy 7 Mkl with 6550's. I wanted to try KT88's but was warned by a Jadis dealer, it's risky on the trans... 
What amps go with Martin Logan CLS II's?
I have owned my CLSllz's for about 3 months. Powered by Jadis Defy7. It's like a drug, need a fix every day...wow. Using 2 subs. 
JD 801A
I've had a 801A for about 2 years. This is a great Integrated amp! I've just purchased a Jadis Defy 7. Yes, it sounds great but the 801A is very close. There is a point of diminishing return here. I'd say the stock 801A is 90% of the Jadis. 
Mark Levinson 36 dac or Theta Gen V Best?
I've owned both. I was a theta fan for many years, but when I tried the Levinson No.36, it was a game changer. That good. 
Two tube amps for your consideration please
Also consider the Jolida 801A. About the same cost and can use 6550's or KT-88's. It also has great upgrade potential. 
New or Old DAC
Thanks for all the responses. Unfortunately, buying used, one will only hear the product after you bought it. I guess that's one of the reasons I have stayed with the older Theta stuff...I know it. I have read different opinions comparing old to n... 
Review: Acoustic Zen Hologram Bi-Wired 8' Speaker cable
I'm switching to (possibly)all AZ cables. I'm at AZ MC2 digital, AZ Silver reference ll i.c's. I have a Tsunamii ll on the way (can't wait to hear it). I currently am running Cardas Golden Cross speaker cables...what about AZ speaker cables? which...