
Responses from mofojo

Amplifier for Guru Junior
Like I said. Unlikely match. Played them with Odyssey Stratos Extreme and Jolida Tube Pre and with a Cayin A100T Tube integrated. The Cayin sounded way better with all kinds of music. Opposite of other speakers I’ve had with the same components. M... 
Amplifier for Guru Junior
Too bad tubes are out. Even though they are an unlikely match the Gurus to me sounded leaps and bounds better with tubes than SS. This was with the QM10-2s I had for a while. Really good! YMMV.  
Muffled vocals
I was thinking the opposite. The Lyngdorf is all digital. If you send in an analog signal it will re digitize it.  
Muffled vocals
Are you using the digital out of your cdp or the analog outs into the Lyngdorf?  
I run a sub with floorstanders or monitors. I’ve found running a full range tower full range then crossing over the sub at around 50hz gives a very good blend. More seamless than a monitor and sub IMO.  
Tekton Double Impacts
I did have the Odyssey. It’s for sale as we speak. Not because I didn’t like it. It has been a great match with several speakers including the DIs. My room kinda sucks and the Lyngdorf works out better. Great synergy I believe especially with a tu... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
I did the $300 upgrade. Can’t say how much difference it makes in sound quality since I’ve never heard them without it. If you got the $300 to spare I would do it.  
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
I am listening to the DI with the 2170 right now. As Bill said plenty of power for the DIs. I find the combo outstanding.  
Best Speakers for Very Large Bright Room
Yup room correction if you don’t want to or can’t address the problem from asteticks reasons or other. A little bit of both would be your best bet.  
New D'Agostino Monoblocks...$250,000
250k get freakin real. Tell your buddies it costs 50k ohhhh it was a bargain. It’s a fancy case and I’m sure it will push any speakers and sound fantastic. It should at the very least do that. It’s a rich mans penis measuring ornament at 250k. Put... 
A little confused on how to properly integrate my sub
Yeah letting them roll off naturally will sound great if you don’t want to play them very loud. If you play music with any bass to those little drivers at full range don’t expect too much volume. Been there done that.  
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
What exactly does HQ player do? Is it similar to Audirvana and Amarra? I really dig the sound quality of Amarra but it’s just so damn glitchy. Being on the market for as long as it has you would think they would have got it figured out.  
Sub Woofer for Golden Ear Technolgy Triton 5
How bought one of the Golden Ear subs?  
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
Anyone had side by side with the 3400 and 2170? I know there’s some out in the wild now. Curious if it’s more of the same goodness and just more powerful or if there are notable improvements in sound quality. I can get on without the EQ manipulati... 
Speaker recomendation
@helomech,called that one! Lol 😂