
Responses from mofojo

Budget American made speakers?
Used Merlin TSM. Wish I would have kept mine. I had the Sphinx as well, didn’t care for it too much.  
Tekton Double Impacts
Thanks Granny. Will definitely be looking into doing this. Could a guy just use alligator clips to attach it at first to try it out?  
Tekton Double Impacts
The Zero Fidelity youtube guy has another video on the DIs. He mentions that they have semi recently had a minor voice change. I believe it was something like a 2db drop around 1000hz. He had a resistor on an alligator clip guessing was sent by Te... 
Former Tekton owners: What have you moved on to?
What’s up with the 3 deleted posts in a row????  
Looking for speaker recommendations that I can purchase on
If you can take the Yamaha anywhere to try out with different speakers and compare with an amp that is not made for a nightclub you may find that it will not make anything sound good. In other words whatever Speaker you get don’t base the sound of... 
5-10k budget... so many choices
Ok, at the expense of being ridiculed... Tekton DI or DI SE. Get a demo from someone in your neck of your woods.  
Selling Paradigms
I would think the most valuable piece you have is the Servo15. Pretty old so prob 2-300 for that if in good working condition. The rest depends on what versions. They are on Version 7 I believe in the Monitor series.  
Looking for speaker recommendations that I can purchase on
I was not extremely impressed with the LS50s I heard and they were powered by the Parasound Int. They were good for certain types of music but sounded bad with rock. Almost everyone I read about says the Ws are on a different level. A_shaw, since ... 
Would love to hear your impressions. Reviews are excellent. Really something to be said for active speakers with dsp. A product that is made from beginning to end to do its thing with no guesswork matching amplification, dac, etc. I am very intere... 
Would love to hear your impressions. Reviews are excellent. Really something to be said for active speakers with dsp. A product that is made from beginning to end to do its thing with no guesswork matching amplification, dac, etc. I am very intere... 
Looking for speaker recommendations that I can purchase on
if you have the LS50 on your list you could add the LS50 W on there. By most accounts they are much better. Also you could ditch the pro amp. May sound ok, my bet is harsh and bright.  
Synergy problem
Have you tried any EQ with the Klipsch. I had a pair of Chorus II with Crites tweet and crossover for a while. It was a really fun Speaker. With no EQ it sounded like you are describing. Shouty, piercing. I ran some pink noise and used the audio t... 
Help for some friends
2nd Bluesound.  
Former Tekton owners: What have you moved on to?
ooop ya got me.U never did respond to any of my comments in the past. You just ignore logic and change the subject.  
Former Tekton owners: What have you moved on to?
213,Really, nothing to say huh?I was stating factual points and asking actual questions that if you weren’t full of it you would be happy to answer. When someone brings up logical arguments to you, you completely shut down. What’s up with that 213?