
Responses from mountainpics

Lyra Kleos vs versus the EMT TSD 15. Thoughts?
Bifwynne and pani, thanks for your responses. Bifwynne, glad to Hawt you like the Kleos. Are you glad you made the switch from the Orto 2M? I want an upgrade but want to be sure it's a real, noticeable upgrade. 
Lyra Delos vs EMT TSD 15
I'm also considering the Lyra Kleos. Curious to hear from those who have heard the Kleos, the Delos, and the EMT TSD 15. 
Lyra Delos vs EMT TSD 15
Lohanimal, could you elaborate on: "he is comparing two very different cartridges IMHO (and experience) which is going to leave several potential conflicts - ie if you were to compare products occupying a similar space in the market place it is a ... 
Lyra Delos vs EMT TSD 15
...soooo. Any comparisons to the Lyra Delos, folks? 
Bryston 7B with Gallo Reference 3.5 speakers
Thanks, Bob. I was mostly wondering if, even at lower volume levels, I'd hear any improvements in bass, mids, or highs. They all sound good now, but was just curious how the 4B SST would compare to the 7B SSTs at any given volume 
Question on Gallo Reference 3.5
ZD542, thanks for the input. I'm using the matching Bryston BP-26 Preamp and power supply. Elizabeth, I'm actually currently using a 4BSST, and you answered my question, so that's much appreciated. And thanks, Nightfall. The Bryston system is my f... 
Looking for a GREAT preamp under $2000...thoughts?
The new Rowland stuff looks fantastic, but is damn expensive. I'm going to take a look at everyone's suggestions. Thanks for chiming in. 
Looking for a GREAT preamp under $2000...thoughts?
Thanks. I will look into all of your suggestions. WIth the Graham Slee phono stage, I don't need a phono stage on the pre-amp. I checked out an Audio Research SP-14 and LS-5 and Rogue Audio Metis today in person. All sound very good, but the LS-5 ... 
Best solid state amp upgrade from NAD 214?
Well, the Gallo Reference 3.5's are indeed 8 ohm, so I'm good there. Just got the second NAD 214 for $105 on ebay. Looks to be in great shape. I think I will focus on a great pre-amp under $2000 for now and stick with the bridged 214's. I'm sure I... 
Best solid state amp upgrade from NAD 214?
Wow. That's all good to hear about the NAD 214. There's one on ebay for about $100...maybe I should get a second one and get increased power by bridging them, and replace the preamp to start out my experimentations. Thanks for the feedback 
Best solid state amp upgrade from NAD 214?
Thanks for your comments. I'll check both of them out