
Responses from mrthunder

DVD by Oppo 205
Do you have a 4k TV?  If not - no reason to upgrade to  4k player.I have observed that upscaling to 4k can create some strange looking images. The upscaling and also enhancement to HDR makes the images look un-natural - like they were shot in a st... 
SACD...around $3500?
I've listened to a lot of SACD players at various shows. Ended up with the Sony XA5400ES - until I can find one that really sounds better. I was not impressed with the Marantz offering. You need to go with the Esoteric 2 box P03/D03 to hear someth... 
How much SACD do I need?
There is still a substantial difference between SACD and CD on my XA5400. There is simply more information on a SACD than a CD. Multiply the CD information up to SACD doesn't add the missing data. Just look at the sampling rates for CD on higher f... 
How much SACD do I need?
I have the sony 5400 player and it does a great job on SACD. It is also very good on CD with terrific base and mid range. It's better than any Marantz I've heard.SACD sounds much better than CD.Listned to a lot of players and until you move into v... 
sony scd-777 dac vs PS Audio DLIII DAC
Just bought a Sony XA5400ES. Listened to alot of high end SACD players. My demo disc must have been in $300,000 worth of hardware. The XA5400SA is a good deal for the price. Out of the box it had great mid/low range with good punch on drums. Sound...