
Responses from ncarlson73

NAS or Server... What's the diff.. which is best?
As seen on NBC: Scott Steele TechnologyYou might consider getting something similar to a Linksys NAS200. I think this would fill most of your requirements and it costs about $120 bucks not included bulk drives. This is a pretty cool system because... 
plexi cover swirl remover
Most pet stores that carry acrylic/plexi aquariums carry inexpensive scratch remover kits. I have used them in the past with pretty good results. Start with the fine polish first though (it might be all you need) and be sure to use a really clean ... 
Wireless Wav. Files to Stereo
You can also use a Linkys Wireless G Music Bridge which I have seen for as little as $79 bucks. It works with pretty much any media player. The nice other nice thing about it is that it has the capability to do surround sound since it has a Coax a... 
Linksys Music Bridge
I have been thinking about getting one of these also, but the only thing holding me back is the WEP Encryption. My current home network uses WPA Encryption, so I don't want to have to dumb down my network for the Music Bridge. Still very curious a... 
Eastern Electric Tubed CD player: Good Value??
I had this player for about three weeks. I want to emphasize that I was pleasantly surprised and pleased with the sound and performance of this product out of the box and not even broken in yet. I ended up returning it because the front face plate... 
Need help with a receiver for my HT.
Check the Outlaw Audio 1050 6.1 if you don't want to spend that much cash. I think it is about $500 bucks.-Regards 
computer fan noise?
I am not sure how noisy they are, but I have seen new computer power supplies with high quality ball bearing fans that are supposed to be much quieter. A good high quality power supply usually runs about thirty to fifty bucks and is relatively eas...