
Responses from nolitan

Recommend an integrated amp for my Harbeth 40.1's
The Luxman 505u has a really good syerngy with Harbeth speakers if you need more PRAAT than what the Accuphase Int amps can offer.Its a simple int amp w/ bass and treble controls just like the accuphase. THe bass control is handy because the M40.1... 
Pass Labs Xono vs. Aesthetix Rhea
For something in between those two, how about the EAR 324 or the EAR88pb. Lots of raves for these 2 phono stage.It would be of help if we also know what carts you plan on using them with. 
Dynaudio c2 or c4 - need some help
C2 and C4s are very good speakers but you need the proper room for them. Otherwise they can be a bit heavy on the bass.If you can audition the C2 or even the C1, that would be the best recourse.All of your choices are really really good provided t... 
What amp/pre-amp would you buy for $12-15k?
Tubes and B&Ws are not very ideal. SOlid state would be preferrable.Parasound is a good one, Classe is another good synergy with B&W.For us15,000 you might consider a used Accuphase Int amp. They work very well w/ BW speakers.Good luck. 
Next Upgrade for VPI Scoutmaster TT
For about a $1000 i would put that rig under a Symnposium Ultra isolation stand. It makes a huge discernable different. 
Dynaudio C-1 or Harbeth-7-es-III
Its best to have some space in between the walls & the harbeths.Too close to the walls can sometimes be a bit too bloaty or fullsome. 
Accuphase DG-28 phono EQ possible?
with analog, going thru the DG28 will convert your analog to digital then back to analog.I personally wouldn't want to go to that route.DG28 is great for digital source but for analog, it kinda makes vinyl sound digital. 
Preamp with Aleph 5 and Thiels
Aleph 5 has a neutral, detailed sound. Lacking body.Thiel is also neutral, detailed sound. Would make use of tube or beefy amp to give it a fuller sound.Personally, I'm not very comfortable with the two combo.But ymmv. 
Does EAR324 phono stage sound like tubes ?
i agree dan-i think it boils down to synergy 
Does EAR324 phono stage sound like tubes ?
DanMany thanks for the post. I think you answered most of my concern. Its really now a matter of going w/ either the tube or solid state counterpart of the EAR. 
ProAc or Harbeths?
Luna, stay with the Harbeth SHL5s. They are very good speakers & as you upgrade your electronics, the speakers will let the differences shine thru. 
Does EAR324 phono stage sound like tubes ?
I understand both the 88pb and 324 has international step up for use of low output mc carts.Has anyone compared the internal step up of these two units with an external step up transformer available ?Is the external better or worst than the intern... 
Does EAR324 phono stage sound like tubes ?
What phono stages have you guys compared the EAR88pb with ? 
Does EAR324 phono stage sound like tubes ?
Is anyone here using a external step up on the 324 on the mm mode ?Lundahl, altec , hashimoto and Bob's Cinemag are what comes to my mind. Any experience with any of these on the 324 ?Would it be too much gain if the cart had an output of .4mv to ... 
ProAc or Harbeths?
Bass of these two speakers are different.The D38 has a tighter bass but the M40.1 has a fuller, loose type of bass.The M40.1 has a fuller midrange compared to the D38 for that matter.The D38 has a more airy, more detailed sound.The m40.1 needs to ...